
mmtrack.models.track_heads.stark_head 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from collections import defaultdict

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcv.cnn.bricks import ConvModule
from mmcv.cnn.bricks.transformer import build_positional_encoding
from mmcv.runner.base_module import BaseModule
from mmdet.models import HEADS
from mmdet.models.builder import build_head, build_loss
from mmdet.models.utils import Transformer, build_transformer
from mmdet.models.utils.builder import TRANSFORMER
from torch import nn

[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class CornerPredictorHead(BaseModule): """Corner Predictor head. Args: inplanes (int): input channel channel (int): the output channel of the first conv block feat_size (int): the size of feature map stride (int): the stride of feature map from the backbone """ def __init__(self, inplanes, channel, feat_size=20, stride=16): super(CornerPredictorHead, self).__init__() self.feat_size = feat_size self.stride = stride self.img_size = self.feat_size * self.stride def conv_module(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, padding=1): # The module's pipeline: Conv -> BN -> ReLU. return ConvModule( in_channels=in_planes, out_channels=out_planes, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=True, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU'), inplace=True) # top-left corner self.tl_corner_pred = nn.Sequential( conv_module(inplanes, channel), conv_module(channel, channel // 2), conv_module(channel // 2, channel // 4), conv_module(channel // 4, channel // 8), nn.Conv2d(channel // 8, 1, kernel_size=1)) # bottom-right corner self.br_corner_pred = nn.Sequential( conv_module(inplanes, channel), conv_module(channel, channel // 2), conv_module(channel // 2, channel // 4), conv_module(channel // 4, channel // 8), nn.Conv2d(channel // 8, 1, kernel_size=1))
[文档] def forward(self, x): """Forward pass with input x. Args: x (Tensor): of shape (bs, C, H, W). Returns: (Tensor): bbox of shape (bs, 4) in (tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y) format. """ score_map_tl, score_map_br = self.get_score_map(x) coorx_tl, coory_tl = self.soft_argmax(score_map_tl) coorx_br, coory_br = self.soft_argmax(score_map_br) return torch.stack((coorx_tl, coory_tl, coorx_br, coory_br), dim=1)
[文档] def get_score_map(self, x): """Score map branch. Args: x (Tensor): of shape (bs, C, H, W). Returns: score_map_tl (Tensor): of shape (bs, 1, H, W). The score map of top left corner of tracking bbox. score_map_br (Tensor): of shape (bs, 1, H, W). The score map of bottom right corner of tracking bbox. """ score_map_tl = self.tl_corner_pred(x) score_map_br = self.br_corner_pred(x) return score_map_tl, score_map_br
[文档] def soft_argmax(self, score_map): """Get soft-argmax coordinate for the given score map. Args: score_map (self.feat_size, self.feat_size): the last score map in bbox_head branch Returns: exp_x (Tensor): of shape (bs, 1). The values are in range [0, self.feat_size * self.stride] exp_y (Tensor): of shape (bs, 1). The values are in range [0, self.feat_size * self.stride] """ # (bs, feat_size * feat_size) score_vec = score_map.view((-1, self.feat_size * self.feat_size)) prob_vec = nn.functional.softmax(score_vec, dim=1) if not hasattr(self, 'coord_x'): # generate coordinates and indexes self.indice = torch.arange( 0, self.feat_size, device=score_map.device).view( -1, 1) * self.stride # generate mesh-grid self.coord_x = self.indice.repeat((self.feat_size, 1)) \ .view((self.feat_size * self.feat_size,)).float() self.coord_y = self.indice.repeat((1, self.feat_size)) \ .view((self.feat_size * self.feat_size,)).float() soft_argmax_x = torch.sum((self.coord_x * prob_vec), dim=1) soft_argmax_y = torch.sum((self.coord_y * prob_vec), dim=1) return soft_argmax_x, soft_argmax_y
@HEADS.register_module() class ScoreHead(nn.Module): """Predict the confidence score of target in current frame. Cascade multiple FC layer and empose relu on the output of last layer. Args: input_dim (int): the dim of input. hidden_dim (int): the dim of hidden layers. output_dim (int): the dim of output. num_layers (int): the number of FC layers. use_bn (bool, optional): whether to use BN after each FC layer. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers, use_bn=False): super(ScoreHead, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers hidden_dims = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) if use_bn: self.layers = nn.ModuleList( nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(n, k), nn.BatchNorm1d(k)) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + hidden_dims, hidden_dims + [output_dim])) else: self.layers = nn.ModuleList( nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + hidden_dims, hidden_dims + [output_dim])) def forward(self, x): """Forward function for `ScoreHead`. Args: x (Tensor): of shape (1, bs, num_query, c). Returns: Tensor: of shape (bs, num_query, 1). """ for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x.squeeze(0) @TRANSFORMER.register_module() class StarkTransformer(Transformer): """The transformer head used in STARK. `STARK. <>`_. This module follows the official DETR implementation. See `paper: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers <>`_ for details. Args: encoder (`mmcv.ConfigDict` | Dict): Config of TransformerEncoder. Defaults to None. decoder ((`mmcv.ConfigDict` | Dict)): Config of TransformerDecoder. Defaults to None init_cfg (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`): The Config for initialization. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, encoder=None, decoder=None, init_cfg=None): super(StarkTransformer, self).__init__( encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, init_cfg=init_cfg) def forward(self, x, mask, query_embed, pos_embed): """Forward function for `StarkTransformer`. The difference with transofrmer module in `MMCV` is the input shape. The sizes of template feature maps and search feature maps are different. Thus, we must flatten and concatenate them outside this module. The `MMCV` flatten the input features inside tranformer module. Args: x (Tensor): Input query with shape (feats_flatten_len, bs, c) where c = embed_dims. mask (Tensor): The key_padding_mask used for encoder and decoder, with shape (bs, feats_flatten_len). query_embed (Tensor): The query embedding for decoder, with shape (num_query, c). pos_embed (Tensor): The positional encoding for encoder and decoder, with shape (feats_flatten_len, bs, c). Here, 'feats_flatten_len' = z_feat_h*z_feat_w*2 + \ x_feat_h*x_feat_w. 'z_feat_h' and 'z_feat_w' denote the height and width of the template features respectively. 'x_feat_h' and 'x_feat_w' denote the height and width of search features respectively. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: results of decoder containing the following tensor. - out_dec: Output from decoder. If return_intermediate_dec \ is True, output has shape [num_dec_layers, bs, num_query, embed_dims], else has shape [1, bs, \ num_query, embed_dims]. Here, return_intermediate_dec=False - enc_mem: Output results from encoder, with shape \ (feats_flatten_len, bs, embed_dims). """ _, bs, _ = x.shape query_embed = query_embed.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, bs, 1) # [num_query, embed_dims] -> [num_query, bs, embed_dims] enc_mem = self.encoder( query=x, key=None, value=None, query_pos=pos_embed, query_key_padding_mask=mask) target = torch.zeros_like(query_embed) # out_dec: [num_dec_layers, num_query, bs, embed_dims] out_dec = self.decoder( query=target, key=enc_mem, value=enc_mem, key_pos=pos_embed, query_pos=query_embed, key_padding_mask=mask) out_dec = out_dec.transpose(1, 2) return out_dec, enc_mem
[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class StarkHead(BaseModule): """STARK head module for bounding box regression and prediction of confidence score of tracking bbox. This module is proposed in "Learning Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Visual Tracking". `STARK <>`_. Args: num_query (int): Number of query in transformer. transformer (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Config for transformer. Default: None. positional_encoding (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Config for position encoding. bbox_head (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict, optional): Config for bbox head. Defaults to None. cls_head (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict, optional): Config for classification head. Defaults to None. loss_cls (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Config of the classification loss. Default `CrossEntropyLoss`. loss_bbox (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Config of the bbox regression loss. Default `L1Loss`. loss_iou (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Config of the bbox regression iou loss. Default `GIoULoss`. tran_cfg (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Training config of transformer head. test_cfg (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`|dict): Testing config of transformer head. init_cfg (dict or list[dict], optional): Initialization config dict. Default: None """ def __init__(self, num_query=1, transformer=None, positional_encoding=dict( type='SinePositionalEncoding', num_feats=128, normalize=True), bbox_head=None, cls_head=None, loss_cls=dict( type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, ), loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=5.0), loss_iou=dict(type='GIoULoss', loss_weight=2.0), train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, init_cfg=None, frozen_modules=None, **kwargs): super(StarkHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) self.transformer = build_transformer(transformer) self.positional_encoding = build_positional_encoding( positional_encoding) assert bbox_head is not None self.bbox_head = build_head(bbox_head) if cls_head is None: # the stage-1 training self.loss_bbox = build_loss(loss_bbox) self.loss_iou = build_loss(loss_iou) self.cls_head = None else: # the stage-2 training self.cls_head = build_head(cls_head) self.loss_cls = build_loss(loss_cls) self.embed_dims = self.transformer.embed_dims self.num_query = num_query self.query_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.num_query, self.embed_dims) self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.fp16_enabled = False if frozen_modules is not None: assert isinstance(frozen_modules, list) for module in frozen_modules: m = getattr(self, module) # TODO: Study the influence of freezing BN running_mean and # running_variance of `frozen_modules` in the 2nd stage train. # The official code doesn't freeze these. for param in m.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False
[文档] def init_weights(self): """Parameters initialization.""" self.transformer.init_weights()
def _merge_template_search(self, inputs): """Merge the data of template and search images. The merge includes 3 steps: flatten, premute and concatenate. Note: the data of search image must be in the last place. args: inputs (list[dict(Tensor)]): The list contains the data of template and search images. The dict is in the following format: - 'feat': (N, C, H, W) - 'mask': (N, H, W) - 'pos_embed': (N, C, H, W) Return: dict(Tensor): - 'feat': in [data_flatten_len, N, C] format - 'mask': in [N, data_flatten_len] format - 'pos_embed': in [data_flatten_len, N, C] format Here, 'data_flatten_len' = z_h*z_w*2 + x_h*x_w. 'z_h' and 'z_w' denote the height and width of the template images respectively. 'x_h' and 'x_w' denote the height and width of search image respectively. """ seq_dict = defaultdict(list) # flatten and permute for input_dic in inputs: for name, x in input_dic.items(): if name == 'mask': seq_dict[name].append(x.flatten(1)) else: seq_dict[name].append( x.flatten(2).permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()) # concatenate for name, x in seq_dict.items(): if name == 'mask': seq_dict[name] =, dim=1) else: seq_dict[name] =, dim=0) return seq_dict
[文档] def forward_bbox_head(self, feat, enc_mem): """ Args: feat: output embeddings of decoder, with shape (1, bs, num_query, c). enc_mem: output embeddings of encoder, with shape (feats_flatten_len, bs, C) Here, 'feats_flatten_len' = z_feat_h*z_feat_w*2 + \ x_feat_h*x_feat_w. 'z_feat_h' and 'z_feat_w' denote the height and width of the template features respectively. 'x_feat_h' and 'x_feat_w' denote the height and width of search features respectively. Returns: Tensor: of shape (bs, num_query, 4). The bbox is in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. """ z_feat_len = self.bbox_head.feat_size**2 # the output of encoder for the search image x_feat = enc_mem[-z_feat_len:].transpose( 0, 1) # (bs, x_feat_h*x_feat_w, c) dec_embed = feat.squeeze(0).transpose(1, 2) # (bs, c, num_query) attention = torch.matmul( x_feat, dec_embed) # (bs, x_feat_h*x_feat_w, num_query) bbox_feat = (x_feat.unsqueeze(-1) * attention.unsqueeze(-2)) # (bs, x_feat_h*x_feat_w, c, num_query) --> (bs, num_query, c, x_feat_h*x_feat_w) # noqa bbox_feat = bbox_feat.permute((0, 3, 2, 1)).contiguous() bs, num_query, dim, _ = bbox_feat.size() bbox_feat = bbox_feat.view(-1, dim, self.bbox_head.feat_size, self.bbox_head.feat_size) # run the corner prediction head outputs_coord = self.bbox_head(bbox_feat) outputs_coord = outputs_coord.view(bs, num_query, 4) return outputs_coord
[文档] def forward(self, inputs): """" Args: inputs (list[dict(tuple(Tensor))]): The list contains the multi-level features and masks of template or search images. - 'feat': (tuple(Tensor)), the Tensor is of shape (bs, c, h//stride, w//stride). - 'mask': (Tensor), of shape (bs, h, w). Here, `h` and `w` denote the height and width of input image respectively. `stride` is the stride of feature map. Returns: (dict): - 'pred_bboxes': (Tensor) of shape (bs, num_query, 4), in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format - 'pred_logit': (Tensor) of shape (bs, num_query, 1) """ # 1. preprocess inputs for transformer all_inputs = [] for input in inputs: feat = input['feat'][0] feat_size = feat.shape[-2:] mask = F.interpolate( input['mask'][None].float(), size=feat_size).to(torch.bool)[0] pos_embed = self.positional_encoding(mask) all_inputs.append(dict(feat=feat, mask=mask, pos_embed=pos_embed)) all_inputs = self._merge_template_search(all_inputs) # 2. forward transformer head # outs_dec is in (1, bs, num_query, c) shape # enc_mem is in (feats_flatten_len, bs, c) shape outs_dec, enc_mem = self.transformer(all_inputs['feat'], all_inputs['mask'], self.query_embedding.weight, all_inputs['pos_embed']) # 3. forward bbox head and classification head track_results = {} if not if self.cls_head is not None: # forward the classification head track_results['pred_logits'] = self.cls_head(outs_dec) track_results['pred_bboxes'] = self.forward_bbox_head( outs_dec, enc_mem) else: if self.cls_head is not None: # stage-1 training: forward the classification head track_results['pred_logits'] = self.cls_head(outs_dec) else: # stage-2 training: forward the box prediction head track_results['pred_bboxes'] = self.forward_bbox_head( outs_dec, enc_mem) return track_results
[文档] def loss(self, track_results, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, img_size=None): """Compute loss. Args: track_results (dict): it may contains the following keys: - 'pred_bboxes': bboxes of (N, num_query, 4) shape in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. - 'pred_logits': bboxes of (N, num_query, 1) shape. gt_bboxes (list[Tensor]): ground truth bboxes for search images with shape (N, 5) in [0., tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels (list[Tensor]): ground truth labels for search images with shape (N, 2). img_size (tuple, optional): the size (h, w) of original search image. Defaults to None. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: a dictionary of loss components. """ losses = dict() if self.cls_head is None: # the stage-1 training assert img_size is not None pred_bboxes = track_results['pred_bboxes'][:, 0] # shape [N, 4] pred_bboxes[:, 0:4:2] = pred_bboxes[:, 0:4:2] / float(img_size[1]) pred_bboxes[:, 1:4:2] = pred_bboxes[:, 1:4:2] / float(img_size[0]) gt_bboxes =, dim=0).type(torch.float32)[:, 1:] gt_bboxes[:, 0:4:2] = gt_bboxes[:, 0:4:2] / float(img_size[1]) gt_bboxes[:, 1:4:2] = gt_bboxes[:, 1:4:2] / float(img_size[0]) gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes.clamp(0., 1.) # regression IoU loss, default GIoU loss if (pred_bboxes[:, :2] >= pred_bboxes[:, 2:]).any() or ( gt_bboxes[:, :2] >= gt_bboxes[:, 2:]).any(): # the first several iterations of train may return invalid # bbox coordinates. losses['loss_iou'] = (pred_bboxes - gt_bboxes).sum() * 0.0 else: losses['loss_iou'] = self.loss_iou(pred_bboxes, gt_bboxes) # regression L1 loss losses['loss_bbox'] = self.loss_bbox(pred_bboxes, gt_bboxes) else: # the stage-2 training assert gt_labels is not None pred_logits = track_results['pred_logits'][:, 0].squeeze() gt_labels = gt_labels, dim=0).type(torch.float32)[:, 1:].squeeze() losses['loss_cls'] = self.loss_cls(pred_logits, gt_labels) return losses
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