
mmtrack.models.motion.kalman_filter 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg

from ..builder import MOTION

[文档]@MOTION.register_module() class KalmanFilter(object): """A simple Kalman filter for tracking bounding boxes in image space. The implementation is referred to """ chi2inv95 = { 1: 3.8415, 2: 5.9915, 3: 7.8147, 4: 9.4877, 5: 11.070, 6: 12.592, 7: 14.067, 8: 15.507, 9: 16.919 } def __init__(self, center_only=False): self.center_only = center_only if self.center_only: self.gating_threshold = self.chi2inv95[2] else: self.gating_threshold = self.chi2inv95[4] ndim, dt = 4, 1. # Create Kalman filter model matrices. self._motion_mat = np.eye(2 * ndim, 2 * ndim) for i in range(ndim): self._motion_mat[i, ndim + i] = dt self._update_mat = np.eye(ndim, 2 * ndim) # Motion and observation uncertainty are chosen relative to the current # state estimate. These weights control the amount of uncertainty in # the model. This is a bit hacky. self._std_weight_position = 1. / 20 self._std_weight_velocity = 1. / 160
[文档] def initiate(self, measurement): """Create track from unassociated measurement. Args: measurement (ndarray): Bounding box coordinates (x, y, a, h) with center position (x, y), aspect ratio a, and height h. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Returns the mean vector (8 dimensional) and covariance matrix (8x8 dimensional) of the new track. Unobserved velocities are initialized to 0 mean. """ mean_pos = measurement mean_vel = np.zeros_like(mean_pos) mean = np.r_[mean_pos, mean_vel] std = [ 2 * self._std_weight_position * measurement[3], 2 * self._std_weight_position * measurement[3], 1e-2, 2 * self._std_weight_position * measurement[3], 10 * self._std_weight_velocity * measurement[3], 10 * self._std_weight_velocity * measurement[3], 1e-5, 10 * self._std_weight_velocity * measurement[3] ] covariance = np.diag(np.square(std)) return mean, covariance
[文档] def predict(self, mean, covariance): """Run Kalman filter prediction step. Args: mean (ndarray): The 8 dimensional mean vector of the object state at the previous time step. covariance (ndarray): The 8x8 dimensional covariance matrix of the object state at the previous time step. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Returns the mean vector and covariance matrix of the predicted state. Unobserved velocities are initialized to 0 mean. """ std_pos = [ self._std_weight_position * mean[3], self._std_weight_position * mean[3], 1e-2, self._std_weight_position * mean[3] ] std_vel = [ self._std_weight_velocity * mean[3], self._std_weight_velocity * mean[3], 1e-5, self._std_weight_velocity * mean[3] ] motion_cov = np.diag(np.square(np.r_[std_pos, std_vel])) mean =, mean) covariance = np.linalg.multi_dot( (self._motion_mat, covariance, self._motion_mat.T)) + motion_cov return mean, covariance
[文档] def project(self, mean, covariance): """Project state distribution to measurement space. Args: mean (ndarray): The state's mean vector (8 dimensional array). covariance (ndarray): The state's covariance matrix (8x8 dimensional). Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Returns the projected mean and covariance matrix of the given state estimate. """ std = [ self._std_weight_position * mean[3], self._std_weight_position * mean[3], 1e-1, self._std_weight_position * mean[3] ] innovation_cov = np.diag(np.square(std)) mean =, mean) covariance = np.linalg.multi_dot( (self._update_mat, covariance, self._update_mat.T)) return mean, covariance + innovation_cov
[文档] def update(self, mean, covariance, measurement): """Run Kalman filter correction step. Args: mean (ndarray): The predicted state's mean vector (8 dimensional). covariance (ndarray): The state's covariance matrix (8x8 dimensional). measurement (ndarray): The 4 dimensional measurement vector (x, y, a, h), where (x, y) is the center position, a the aspect ratio, and h the height of the bounding box. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Returns the measurement-corrected state distribution. """ projected_mean, projected_cov = self.project(mean, covariance) chol_factor, lower = scipy.linalg.cho_factor( projected_cov, lower=True, check_finite=False) kalman_gain = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((chol_factor, lower),, self._update_mat.T).T, check_finite=False).T innovation = measurement - projected_mean new_mean = mean +, kalman_gain.T) new_covariance = covariance - np.linalg.multi_dot( (kalman_gain, projected_cov, kalman_gain.T)) return new_mean, new_covariance
[文档] def gating_distance(self, mean, covariance, measurements, only_position=False): """Compute gating distance between state distribution and measurements. A suitable distance threshold can be obtained from `chi2inv95`. If `only_position` is False, the chi-square distribution has 4 degrees of freedom, otherwise 2. Args: mean (ndarray): Mean vector over the state distribution (8 dimensional). covariance (ndarray): Covariance of the state distribution (8x8 dimensional). measurements (ndarray): An Nx4 dimensional matrix of N measurements, each in format (x, y, a, h) where (x, y) is the bounding box center position, a the aspect ratio, and h the height. only_position (bool, optional): If True, distance computation is done with respect to the bounding box center position only. Defaults to False. Returns: ndarray: Returns an array of length N, where the i-th element contains the squared Mahalanobis distance between (mean, covariance) and `measurements[i]`. """ mean, covariance = self.project(mean, covariance) if only_position: mean, covariance = mean[:2], covariance[:2, :2] measurements = measurements[:, :2] cholesky_factor = np.linalg.cholesky(covariance) d = measurements - mean z = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular( cholesky_factor, d.T, lower=True, check_finite=False, overwrite_b=True) squared_maha = np.sum(z * z, axis=0) return squared_maha
[文档] def track(self, tracks, bboxes): """Track forward. Args: tracks (dict[int:dict]): Track buffer. bboxes (Tensor): Detected bounding boxes. Returns: (dict[int:dict], Tensor): Updated tracks and bboxes. """ costs = [] for id, track in tracks.items(): track.mean, track.covariance = self.predict( track.mean, track.covariance) gating_distance = self.gating_distance(track.mean, track.covariance, bboxes.cpu().numpy(), self.center_only) costs.append(gating_distance) costs = np.stack(costs, 0) costs[costs > self.gating_threshold] = np.nan return tracks, costs
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