
mmtrack.datasets.youtube_vis_dataset 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import os.path as osp
import tempfile
import zipfile
from collections import defaultdict

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS

from mmtrack.core import eval_vis, results2outs
from .coco_video_dataset import CocoVideoDataset

[文档]@DATASETS.register_module() class YouTubeVISDataset(CocoVideoDataset): """YouTube VIS dataset for video instance segmentation.""" CLASSES_2019_version = ('person', 'giant_panda', 'lizard', 'parrot', 'skateboard', 'sedan', 'ape', 'dog', 'snake', 'monkey', 'hand', 'rabbit', 'duck', 'cat', 'cow', 'fish', 'train', 'horse', 'turtle', 'bear', 'motorbike', 'giraffe', 'leopard', 'fox', 'deer', 'owl', 'surfboard', 'airplane', 'truck', 'zebra', 'tiger', 'elephant', 'snowboard', 'boat', 'shark', 'mouse', 'frog', 'eagle', 'earless_seal', 'tennis_racket') CLASSES_2021_version = ('airplane', 'bear', 'bird', 'boat', 'car', 'cat', 'cow', 'deer', 'dog', 'duck', 'earless_seal', 'elephant', 'fish', 'flying_disc', 'fox', 'frog', 'giant_panda', 'giraffe', 'horse', 'leopard', 'lizard', 'monkey', 'motorbike', 'mouse', 'parrot', 'person', 'rabbit', 'shark', 'skateboard', 'snake', 'snowboard', 'squirrel', 'surfboard', 'tennis_racket', 'tiger', 'train', 'truck', 'turtle', 'whale', 'zebra') def __init__(self, dataset_version, *args, **kwargs): self.set_dataset_classes(dataset_version) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def set_dataset_classes(cls, dataset_version): if dataset_version == '2019': cls.CLASSES = cls.CLASSES_2019_version elif dataset_version == '2021': cls.CLASSES = cls.CLASSES_2021_version else: raise NotImplementedError('Not supported YouTubeVIS dataset' f'version: {dataset_version}')
[文档] def format_results(self, results, resfile_path=None, metrics=['track_segm'], save_as_json=True): """Format the results to a zip file (standard format for YouTube-VIS Challenge). Args: results (dict(list[ndarray])): Testing results of the dataset. resfile_path (str, optional): Path to save the formatted results. Defaults to None. metrics (list[str], optional): The results of the specific metrics will be formatted. Defaults to ['track_segm']. save_as_json (bool, optional): Whether to save the json results file. Defaults to True. Returns: tuple: (resfiles, tmp_dir), resfiles is the path of the result json file, tmp_dir is the temporal directory created for saving files. """ assert isinstance(results, dict), 'results must be a dict.' if isinstance(metrics, str): metrics = [metrics] assert 'track_segm' in metrics if resfile_path is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() resfile_path = else: tmp_dir = None resfiles = osp.join(resfile_path, 'results.json') inds = [i for i, _ in enumerate(self.data_infos) if _['frame_id'] == 0] num_vids = len(inds) assert num_vids == len(self.vid_ids) inds.append(len(self.data_infos)) vid_infos = self.coco.load_vids(self.vid_ids) json_results = [] for i in range(num_vids): video_id = vid_infos[i]['id'] # collect data for each instances in a video. collect_data = dict() for frame_id, (bbox_res, mask_res) in enumerate( zip(results['track_bboxes'][inds[i]:inds[i + 1]], results['track_masks'][inds[i]:inds[i + 1]])): outs_track = results2outs(bbox_results=bbox_res) bboxes = outs_track['bboxes'] labels = outs_track['labels'] ids = outs_track['ids'] masks = mmcv.concat_list(mask_res) assert len(masks) == len(bboxes) for j, id in enumerate(ids): if id not in collect_data: collect_data[id] = dict( category_ids=[], scores=[], segmentations=dict()) collect_data[id]['category_ids'].append(labels[j]) collect_data[id]['scores'].append(bboxes[j][4]) if isinstance(masks[j]['counts'], bytes): masks[j]['counts'] = masks[j]['counts'].decode() collect_data[id]['segmentations'][frame_id] = masks[j] # transform the collected data into official format for id, id_data in collect_data.items(): output = dict() output['video_id'] = video_id output['score'] = np.array(id_data['scores']).mean().item() # majority voting for sequence category output['category_id'] = np.bincount( np.array(id_data['category_ids'])).argmax().item() + 1 output['segmentations'] = [] for frame_id in range(inds[i + 1] - inds[i]): if frame_id in id_data['segmentations']: output['segmentations'].append( id_data['segmentations'][frame_id]) else: output['segmentations'].append(None) json_results.append(output) if not save_as_json: return json_results mmcv.dump(json_results, resfiles) # zip the json file in order to submit to the test server. zip_file_name = osp.join(resfile_path, '') zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) print_log(f"zip the 'results.json' into '{zip_file_name}', " 'please submmit the zip file to the test server') zf.write(resfiles, 'results.json') zf.close() return resfiles, tmp_dir
[文档] def evaluate(self, results, metric=['track_segm'], logger=None): """Evaluation in COCO protocol. Args: results (dict): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Options are 'track_segm'. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. Returns: dict[str, float]: COCO style evaluation metric. """ if isinstance(metric, list): metrics = metric elif isinstance(metric, str): metrics = [metric] else: raise TypeError('metric must be a list or a str.') allowed_metrics = ['track_segm'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported.') eval_results = dict() test_results = self.format_results(results, save_as_json=False) vis_results = self.convert_back_to_vis_format() track_segm_results = eval_vis(test_results, vis_results, logger) eval_results.update(track_segm_results) return eval_results
[文档] def convert_back_to_vis_format(self): """Convert the annotation back to the format of YouTube-VIS. The main difference between the two is the format of 'annotation'. Before modification, it is recorded in the unit of images, and after modification, it is recorded in the unit of instances.This operation is to make it easier to use the official eval API. Returns: dict: A dict with 3 keys, ``categories``, ``annotations`` and ``videos``. - | ``categories`` (list[dict]): Each dict has 2 keys, ``id`` and ``name``. - | ``videos`` (list[dict]): Each dict has 4 keys of video info, ``id``, ``name``, ``width`` and ``height``. - | ``annotations`` (list[dict]): Each dict has 7 keys of video info, ``category_id``, ``segmentations``, ``bboxes``, ``video_id``, ``areas``, ``id`` and ``iscrowd``. """ vis_anns = defaultdict(list) vis_anns['categories'] = copy.deepcopy(self.coco.dataset['categories']) vis_anns['videos'] = copy.deepcopy(self.coco.dataset['videos']) len_videos = dict() # mapping from video_id to video_length for video_id, video_infos in self.coco.vidToImgs.items(): len_videos[video_id] = len(video_infos) for video_id, ins_ids in self.coco.vidToInstances.items(): cur_video_len = len_videos[video_id] for ins_id in ins_ids: # In the official format, no instances are represented by # 'None', however, only images with instances are recorded # in the current annotations, so we need to use 'None' to # initialize these lists. segm = [None] * cur_video_len bbox = [None] * cur_video_len area = [None] * cur_video_len category_id = None iscrowd = None for img_id in self.coco.instancesToImgs.get(ins_id): frame_id = self.coco.imgs[img_id]['frame_id'] for ann in self.coco.imgToAnns[img_id]: if ann['instance_id'] == ins_id: segm[frame_id] = ann['segmentation'] bbox[frame_id] = ann['bbox'] area[frame_id] = ann['area'] category_id = ann['category_id'] iscrowd = ann['iscrowd'] assert category_id is not None instance = dict( category_id=category_id, segmentations=segm, bboxes=bbox, video_id=video_id, areas=area, id=ins_id, iscrowd=iscrowd) vis_anns['annotations'].append(instance) return dict(vis_anns)
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