
mmtrack.datasets.pipelines.processing 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import random

import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES

[文档]@PIPELINES.register_module() class TridentSampling(object): """Multitemplate-style sampling in a trident manner. It's firstly used in `STARK <>`_. Args: num_search_frames (int, optional): the number of search frames num_template_frames (int, optional): the number of template frames max_frame_range (list[int], optional): the max frame range of sampling a positive search image for the template image. Its length is equal to the number of extra templates, i.e., `num_template_frames`-1. Default length is 1. cls_pos_prob (float, optional): the probility of sampling positive samples in classification training. train_cls_head (bool, optional): whether to train classification head. min_num_frames (int, optional): the min number of frames to be sampled. """ def __init__(self, num_search_frames=1, num_template_frames=2, max_frame_range=[200], cls_pos_prob=0.5, train_cls_head=False, min_num_frames=20): assert num_template_frames >= 2 assert len(max_frame_range) == num_template_frames - 1 self.num_search_frames = num_search_frames self.num_template_frames = num_template_frames self.max_frame_range = max_frame_range self.train_cls_head = train_cls_head self.cls_pos_prob = cls_pos_prob self.min_num_frames = min_num_frames
[文档] def random_sample_inds(self, video_visibility, num_samples=1, frame_range=None, allow_invisible=False, force_invisible=False): """Random sampling a specific number of samples from the specified frame range of the video. It also considers the visibility of each frame. Args: video_visibility (ndarray): the visibility of each frame in the video. num_samples (int, optional): the number of samples. Defaults to 1. frame_range (list | None, optional): the frame range of sampling. Defaults to None. allow_invisible (bool, optional): whether to allow to get invisible samples. Defaults to False. force_invisible (bool, optional): whether to force to get invisible samples. Defaults to False. Returns: List: The sampled frame indexes. """ assert num_samples > 0 if frame_range is None: frame_range = [0, len(video_visibility)] else: assert isinstance(frame_range, list) and len(frame_range) == 2 frame_range[0] = max(0, frame_range[0]) frame_range[1] = min(len(video_visibility), frame_range[1]) video_visibility = np.asarray(video_visibility) visibility_in_range = video_visibility[frame_range[0]:frame_range[1]] # get indexes of valid samples if force_invisible: valid_inds = np.where(~visibility_in_range)[0] + frame_range[0] else: valid_inds = np.arange( *frame_range) if allow_invisible else np.where( visibility_in_range)[0] + frame_range[0] # No valid samples if len(valid_inds) == 0: return [None] * num_samples return random.choices(valid_inds, k=num_samples)
[文档] def sampling_trident(self, video_visibility): """Sampling multiple template images and one search images in one video. Args: video_visibility (ndarray): the visibility of each frame in the video. Returns: List: the indexes of template and search images. """ extra_template_inds = [None] sampling_count = 0 if self.is_video_data: while None in extra_template_inds: # first randomly sample two frames from a video template_ind, search_ind = self.random_sample_inds( video_visibility, num_samples=2) # then sample the extra templates extra_template_inds = [] for max_frame_range in self.max_frame_range: # make the sampling range is near the template_ind if template_ind >= search_ind: min_ind, max_ind = search_ind, \ search_ind + max_frame_range else: min_ind, max_ind = search_ind - max_frame_range, \ search_ind extra_template_index = self.random_sample_inds( video_visibility, num_samples=1, frame_range=[min_ind, max_ind], allow_invisible=False)[0] extra_template_inds.append(extra_template_index) sampling_count += 1 if sampling_count > 100: print_log('-------Not sampling extra valid templates' 'successfully. Stop sampling and copy the' 'first template as extra templates-------') extra_template_inds = [template_ind] * len( self.max_frame_range) sampled_inds = [template_ind] + extra_template_inds + [search_ind] else: sampled_inds = [0] * ( self.num_template_frames + self.num_search_frames) return sampled_inds
[文档] def prepare_data(self, video_info, sampled_inds, with_label=False): """Prepare sampled training data according to the sampled index. Args: video_info (dict): the video information. It contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename','frame_ids', 'video_id','visible']. sampled_inds (list[int]): the sampled frame indexes. with_label (bool, optional): whether to recode labels in ann infos. Only set True in classification training. Defaults to False. Returns: List[dict]: contains the information of sampled data. """ extra_infos = {} for key, info in video_info.items(): if key in [ 'bbox_fields', 'mask_fields', 'seg_fields', 'img_prefix' ]: extra_infos[key] = info bboxes = video_info['bboxes'] results = [] for frame_ind in sampled_inds: if with_label: ann_info = dict( bboxes=np.expand_dims(bboxes[frame_ind], axis=0), labels=np.array([1.], dtype=np.float32)) else: ann_info = dict( bboxes=np.expand_dims(bboxes[frame_ind], axis=0)) img_info = dict( filename=video_info['filename'][frame_ind], frame_id=video_info['frame_ids'][frame_ind], video_id=video_info['video_id']) result = dict(img_info=img_info, ann_info=ann_info, **extra_infos) results.append(result) return results
[文档] def prepare_cls_data(self, video_info, video_info_another, sampled_inds): """Prepare the sampled classification training data according to the sampled index. Args: video_info (dict): the video information. It contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename','frame_ids', 'video_id','visible']. video_info_another (dict): the another video information. It's only used to get negative samples in classification train. It contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename', 'frame_ids','video_id','visible']. sampled_inds (list[int]): the sampled frame indexes. Returns: List[dict]: contains the information of sampled data. """ results = self.prepare_data( video_info, sampled_inds[:self.num_template_frames], with_label=True) if random.random() < self.cls_pos_prob: pos_search_samples = self.prepare_data( video_info, sampled_inds[-self.num_search_frames:]) for sample in pos_search_samples: sample['ann_info']['labels'] = np.array([1], dtype=np.float32) results.extend(pos_search_samples) else: if self.is_video_data: neg_search_ind = self.random_sample_inds( video_info_another['bboxes_isvalid'], num_samples=1) # may not get valid negative sample in current video if neg_search_ind[0] is None: return None neg_search_samples = self.prepare_data(video_info_another, neg_search_ind) else: neg_search_samples = self.prepare_data(video_info_another, [0]) for sample in neg_search_samples: sample['ann_info']['labels'] = np.array([0], dtype=np.float32) results.extend(neg_search_samples) return results
def __call__(self, pair_video_infos): """ Args: pair_video_infos (list[dict]): contains two video infos. Each video info contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename', 'frame_ids','video_id','visible']. Returns: List[dict]: contains the information of sampled data. """ video_info, video_info_another = pair_video_infos self.is_video_data = len(video_info['frame_ids']) > 1 and len( video_info_another['frame_ids']) > 1 enough_visible_frames = sum(video_info['visible']) > 2 * ( self.num_search_frames + self.num_template_frames) and len( video_info['visible']) >= self.min_num_frames enough_visible_frames = enough_visible_frames or not \ self.is_video_data if not enough_visible_frames: return None sampled_inds = np.array(self.sampling_trident(video_info['visible'])) # the sizes of some bboxes may be zero, because extral templates may # get invalid bboxes. if not video_info['bboxes_isvalid'][sampled_inds].all(): return None if not self.train_cls_head: results = self.prepare_data(video_info, sampled_inds) else: results = self.prepare_cls_data(video_info, video_info_another, sampled_inds) return results
[文档]@PIPELINES.register_module() class PairSampling(object): """Pair-style sampling. It's used in `SiameseRPN++ <>`_. Args: frame_range (List(int) | int): the sampling range of search frames in the same video for template frame. Defaults to 5. pos_prob (float, optional): the probility of sampling positive sample pairs. Defaults to 0.8. filter_template_img (bool, optional): if False, the template image will be in the sampling search candidates, otherwise, it is exclude. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, frame_range=5, pos_prob=0.8, filter_template_img=False): assert pos_prob >= 0.0 and pos_prob <= 1.0 if isinstance(frame_range, int): assert frame_range >= 0, 'frame_range can not be a negative value.' frame_range = [-frame_range, frame_range] elif isinstance(frame_range, list): assert len(frame_range) == 2, 'The length must be 2.' assert frame_range[0] <= 0 and frame_range[1] >= 0 for i in frame_range: assert isinstance(i, int), 'Each element must be int.' else: raise TypeError('The type of frame_range must be int or list.') self.frame_range = frame_range self.pos_prob = pos_prob self.filter_template_img = filter_template_img
[文档] def prepare_data(self, video_info, sampled_inds, is_positive_pairs=False): """Prepare sampled training data according to the sampled index. Args: video_info (dict): the video information. It contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename','frame_ids', 'video_id','visible']. sampled_inds (list[int]): the sampled frame indexes. is_positive_pairs (bool, optional): whether it's the positive pairs. Defaults to False. Returns: List[dict]: contains the information of sampled data. """ extra_infos = {} for key, info in video_info.items(): if key in [ 'bbox_fields', 'mask_fields', 'seg_fields', 'img_prefix' ]: extra_infos[key] = info bboxes = video_info['bboxes'] results = [] for frame_ind in sampled_inds: ann_info = dict(bboxes=np.expand_dims(bboxes[frame_ind], axis=0)) img_info = dict( filename=video_info['filename'][frame_ind], frame_id=video_info['frame_ids'][frame_ind], video_id=video_info['video_id']) result = dict( img_info=img_info, ann_info=ann_info, is_positive_pairs=is_positive_pairs, **extra_infos) results.append(result) return results
def __call__(self, pair_video_infos): """ Args: pair_video_infos (list[dict]): contains two video infos. Each video info contains the keys: ['bboxes','bboxes_isvalid','filename', 'frame_ids','video_id','visible']. Returns: List[dict]: contains the information of sampled data. """ video_info, video_info_another = pair_video_infos if len(video_info['frame_ids']) > 1 and len( video_info_another['frame_ids']) > 1: template_frame_ind = np.random.choice(len(video_info['frame_ids'])) if self.pos_prob > np.random.random(): left_ind = max(template_frame_ind + self.frame_range[0], 0) right_ind = min(template_frame_ind + self.frame_range[1], len(video_info['frame_ids'])) if self.filter_template_img: ref_frames_inds = list( range(left_ind, template_frame_ind)) + list( range(template_frame_ind + 1, right_ind)) else: ref_frames_inds = list(range(left_ind, right_ind)) search_frame_ind = np.random.choice(ref_frames_inds) results = self.prepare_data( video_info, [template_frame_ind, search_frame_ind], is_positive_pairs=True) else: search_frame_ind = np.random.choice( len(video_info_another['frame_ids'])) results = self.prepare_data( video_info, [template_frame_ind], is_positive_pairs=False) results.extend( self.prepare_data( video_info_another, [search_frame_ind], is_positive_pairs=False)) else: if self.pos_prob > np.random.random(): results = self.prepare_data( video_info, [0, 0], is_positive_pairs=True) else: results = self.prepare_data( video_info, [0], is_positive_pairs=False) results.extend( self.prepare_data( video_info_another, [0], is_positive_pairs=False)) return results
[文档]@PIPELINES.register_module() class MatchInstances(object): """Matching objects on a pair of images. Args: skip_nomatch (bool, optional): Whether skip the pair of image during training when there are no matched objects. Default to True. """ def __init__(self, skip_nomatch=True): self.skip_nomatch = skip_nomatch def _match_gts(self, instance_ids, ref_instance_ids): """Matching objects according to ground truth `instance_ids`. Args: instance_ids (ndarray): of shape (N1, ). ref_instance_ids (ndarray): of shape (N2, ). Returns: tuple: Matching results which contain the indices of the matched target. """ ins_ids = list(instance_ids) ref_ins_ids = list(ref_instance_ids) match_indices = np.array([ ref_ins_ids.index(i) if (i in ref_ins_ids and i > 0) else -1 for i in ins_ids ]) ref_match_indices = np.array([ ins_ids.index(i) if (i in ins_ids and i > 0) else -1 for i in ref_ins_ids ]) return match_indices, ref_match_indices def __call__(self, results): if len(results) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('Only support match 2 images now.') match_indices, ref_match_indices = self._match_gts( results[0]['gt_instance_ids'], results[1]['gt_instance_ids']) nomatch = (match_indices == -1).all() if self.skip_nomatch and nomatch: return None else: results[0]['gt_match_indices'] = match_indices.copy() results[1]['gt_match_indices'] = ref_match_indices.copy() return results
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