
mmtrack.datasets.mot_challenge_dataset 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
import os.path as osp
import tempfile

import mmcv
import motmetrics as mm
import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.core import eval_map
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS

from mmtrack.core import interpolate_tracks, results2outs
from .coco_video_dataset import CocoVideoDataset

    import trackeval
except ImportError:
    trackeval = None

[文档]@DATASETS.register_module() class MOTChallengeDataset(CocoVideoDataset): """Dataset for MOTChallenge. Args: visibility_thr (float, optional): The minimum visibility for the objects during training. Default to -1. interpolate_tracks_cfg (dict, optional): If not None, Interpolate tracks linearly to make tracks more complete. Defaults to None. - min_num_frames (int, optional): The minimum length of a track that will be interpolated. Defaults to 5. - max_num_frames (int, optional): The maximum disconnected length in a track. Defaults to 20. detection_file (str, optional): The path of the public detection file. Default to None. """ CLASSES = ('pedestrian', ) def __init__(self, visibility_thr=-1, interpolate_tracks_cfg=None, detection_file=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.visibility_thr = visibility_thr self.interpolate_tracks_cfg = interpolate_tracks_cfg self.detections = self.load_detections(detection_file)
[文档] def load_detections(self, detection_file=None): """Load public detections.""" # support detections in three formats # 1. MMDet: [img_1, img_2, ...] # 2. MMTrack: dict(det_bboxes=[img_1, img_2, ...]) # 3. Public: # 1) dict(img1_name: [], img2_name: [], ...) # 2) dict(det_bboxes=dict(img1_name: [], img2_name: [], ...)) # return as a dict or a list if detection_file is not None: detections = mmcv.load(detection_file) if isinstance(detections, dict): # results from mmtrack if 'det_bboxes' in detections: detections = detections['det_bboxes'] else: # results from mmdet if not isinstance(detections, list): raise TypeError('detections must be a dict or a list.') return detections else: return None
[文档] def prepare_results(self, img_info): """Prepare results for image (e.g. the annotation information, ...).""" results = super().prepare_results(img_info) if self.detections is not None: if isinstance(self.detections, dict): indice = img_info['file_name'] elif isinstance(self.detections, list): indice = self.img_ids.index(img_info['id']) results['detections'] = self.detections[indice] return results
def _parse_ann_info(self, img_info, ann_info): """Parse bbox and mask annotation. Args: ann_info (list[dict]): Annotation info of an image. with_mask (bool): Whether to parse mask annotations. Returns: dict: A dict containing the following keys: bboxes, bboxes_ignore, labels, masks, seg_map. "masks" are raw annotations and not decoded into binary masks. """ gt_bboxes = [] gt_labels = [] gt_bboxes_ignore = [] gt_instance_ids = [] for i, ann in enumerate(ann_info): if (not self.test_mode) and (ann['visibility'] < self.visibility_thr): continue x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox'] inter_w = max(0, min(x1 + w, img_info['width']) - max(x1, 0)) inter_h = max(0, min(y1 + h, img_info['height']) - max(y1, 0)) if inter_w * inter_h == 0: continue if ann['area'] <= 0 or w < 1 or h < 1: continue if ann['category_id'] not in self.cat_ids: continue bbox = [x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h] if ann.get('ignore', False) or ann.get('iscrowd', False): # note: normally no `iscrowd` for MOT17Dataset gt_bboxes_ignore.append(bbox) else: gt_bboxes.append(bbox) gt_labels.append(self.cat2label[ann['category_id']]) gt_instance_ids.append(ann['instance_id']) if gt_bboxes: gt_bboxes = np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) gt_instance_ids = np.array(gt_instance_ids, dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) gt_instance_ids = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) if gt_bboxes_ignore: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.array(gt_bboxes_ignore, dtype=np.float32) else: gt_bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) ann = dict( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore, instance_ids=gt_instance_ids) return ann
[文档] def format_results(self, results, resfile_path=None, metrics=['track']): """Format the results to txts (standard format for MOT Challenge). Args: results (dict(list[ndarray])): Testing results of the dataset. resfile_path (str, optional): Path to save the formatted results. Defaults to None. metrics (list[str], optional): The results of the specific metrics will be formatted.. Defaults to ['track']. Returns: tuple: (resfile_path, resfiles, names, tmp_dir), resfile_path is the path to save the formatted results, resfiles is a dict containing the filepaths, names is a list containing the name of the videos, tmp_dir is the temporal directory created for saving files. """ assert isinstance(results, dict), 'results must be a dict.' if resfile_path is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() resfile_path = else: tmp_dir = None if osp.exists(resfile_path): print_log('remove previous results.', self.logger) import shutil shutil.rmtree(resfile_path) resfiles = dict() for metric in metrics: resfiles[metric] = osp.join(resfile_path, metric) os.makedirs(resfiles[metric], exist_ok=True) inds = [i for i, _ in enumerate(self.data_infos) if _['frame_id'] == 0] num_vids = len(inds) assert num_vids == len(self.vid_ids) inds.append(len(self.data_infos)) vid_infos = self.coco.load_vids(self.vid_ids) names = [_['name'] for _ in vid_infos] for i in range(num_vids): for metric in metrics: formatter = getattr(self, f'format_{metric}_results') formatter(results[f'{metric}_bboxes'][inds[i]:inds[i + 1]], self.data_infos[inds[i]:inds[i + 1]], f'{resfiles[metric]}/{names[i]}.txt') return resfile_path, resfiles, names, tmp_dir
[文档] def format_track_results(self, results, infos, resfile): """Format tracking results.""" results_per_video = [] for frame_id, result in enumerate(results): outs_track = results2outs(bbox_results=result) track_ids, bboxes = outs_track['ids'], outs_track['bboxes'] frame_ids = np.full_like(track_ids, frame_id) results_per_frame = np.concatenate( (frame_ids[:, None], track_ids[:, None], bboxes), axis=1) results_per_video.append(results_per_frame) # `results_per_video` is a ndarray with shape (N, 7). Each row denotes # (frame_id, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, score) results_per_video = np.concatenate(results_per_video) if self.interpolate_tracks_cfg is not None: results_per_video = interpolate_tracks( results_per_video, **self.interpolate_tracks_cfg) with open(resfile, 'wt') as f: for frame_id, info in enumerate(infos): # `mot_frame_id` is the actually frame id used for evaluation. # It may not start from 0. if 'mot_frame_id' in info: mot_frame_id = info['mot_frame_id'] else: mot_frame_id = info['frame_id'] + 1 results_per_frame = \ results_per_video[results_per_video[:, 0] == frame_id] for i in range(len(results_per_frame)): _, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, conf = results_per_frame[i] f.writelines( f'{mot_frame_id},{track_id},{x1:.3f},{y1:.3f},' + f'{(x2-x1):.3f},{(y2-y1):.3f},{conf:.3f},-1,-1,-1\n')
[文档] def format_bbox_results(self, results, infos, resfile): """Format detection results.""" with open(resfile, 'wt') as f: for res, info in zip(results, infos): if 'mot_frame_id' in info: frame = info['mot_frame_id'] else: frame = info['frame_id'] + 1 outs_det = results2outs(bbox_results=res) for bbox, label in zip(outs_det['bboxes'], outs_det['labels']): x1, y1, x2, y2, conf = bbox f.writelines( f'{frame},-1,{x1:.3f},{y1:.3f},{(x2-x1):.3f},' + f'{(y2-y1):.3f},{conf:.3f}\n') f.close()
[文档] def get_benchmark_and_eval_split(self): """Get benchmark and dataset split to evaluate. Get benchmark from upeper/lower-case image prefix and the dataset split to evaluate. Returns: tuple(string): The first string denotes the type of dataset. The second string denotes the split of the dataset to eval. """ BENCHMARKS = ['MOT15', 'MOT16', 'MOT17', 'MOT20'] for benchmark in BENCHMARKS: if benchmark in self.img_prefix.upper(): break # We directly return 'train' for the dataset split to evaluate, since # MOT challenge only provides annotations for train split. return benchmark, 'train'
[文档] def get_dataset_cfg_for_hota(self, gt_folder, tracker_folder, seqmap): """Get default configs for trackeval.datasets.MotChallenge2DBox. Args: gt_folder (str): the name of the GT folder tracker_folder (str): the name of the tracker folder seqmap (str): the file that contains the sequence of video names Returns: Dataset Configs for MotChallenge2DBox. """ benchmark, split_to_eval = self.get_benchmark_and_eval_split() dataset_config = dict( # Location of GT data GT_FOLDER=gt_folder, # Trackers location TRACKERS_FOLDER=tracker_folder, # Where to save eval results # (if None, same as TRACKERS_FOLDER) OUTPUT_FOLDER=None, # Use 'track' as the default tracker TRACKERS_TO_EVAL=['track'], # Option values: ['pedestrian'] CLASSES_TO_EVAL=list(self.CLASSES), # Option Values: 'MOT17', 'MOT16', 'MOT20', 'MOT15' BENCHMARK=benchmark, # Option Values: 'train', 'test' SPLIT_TO_EVAL=split_to_eval, # Whether tracker input files are zipped INPUT_AS_ZIP=False, # Whether to print current config PRINT_CONFIG=True, # Whether to perform preprocessing # (never done for MOT15) DO_PREPROC=False if 'MOT15' in self.img_prefix else True, # Tracker files are in # TRACKER_FOLDER/tracker_name/TRACKER_SUB_FOLDER TRACKER_SUB_FOLDER='', # Output files are saved in # OUTPUT_FOLDER/tracker_name/OUTPUT_SUB_FOLDER OUTPUT_SUB_FOLDER='', # Names of trackers to display # (if None: TRACKERS_TO_EVAL) TRACKER_DISPLAY_NAMES=None, # Where seqmaps are found # (if None: GT_FOLDER/seqmaps) SEQMAP_FOLDER=None, # Directly specify seqmap file # (if none use seqmap_folder/benchmark-split_to_eval) SEQMAP_FILE=seqmap, # If not None, specify sequences to eval # and their number of timesteps SEQ_INFO=None, # '{gt_folder}/{seq}/gt/gt.txt' GT_LOC_FORMAT='{gt_folder}/{seq}/gt/gt.txt', # If False, data is in GT_FOLDER/BENCHMARK-SPLIT_TO_EVAL/ and in # TRACKERS_FOLDER/BENCHMARK-SPLIT_TO_EVAL/tracker/ # If True, the middle 'benchmark-split' folder is skipped for both. SKIP_SPLIT_FOL=True, ) if 'half-train' in self.ann_file: dataset_config[ 'GT_LOC_FORMAT'] = '{gt_folder}/{seq}/gt/gt_half-train.txt' elif 'half-val' in self.ann_file: dataset_config[ 'GT_LOC_FORMAT'] = '{gt_folder}/{seq}/gt/gt_half-val.txt' return dataset_config
[文档] def evaluate(self, results, metric='track', logger=None, resfile_path=None, bbox_iou_thr=0.5, track_iou_thr=0.5): """Evaluation in MOT Challenge. Args: results (list[list | tuple]): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Options are 'bbox', 'track'. Defaults to 'track'. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. resfile_path (str, optional): Path to save the formatted results. Defaults to None. bbox_iou_thr (float, optional): IoU threshold for detection evaluation. Defaults to 0.5. track_iou_thr (float, optional): IoU threshold for tracking evaluation.. Defaults to 0.5. Returns: dict[str, float]: MOTChallenge style evaluation metric. """ eval_results = dict() if isinstance(metric, list): metrics = metric elif isinstance(metric, str): metrics = [metric] else: raise TypeError('metric must be a list or a str.') allowed_metrics = ['bbox', 'track'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported.') if 'track' in metrics: resfile_path, resfiles, names, tmp_dir = self.format_results( results, resfile_path, metrics) print_log('Evaluate CLEAR MOT results.', logger=logger) distth = 1 - track_iou_thr accs = [] # support loading data from ceph local_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() for name in names: if 'half-train' in self.ann_file: gt_file = osp.join(self.img_prefix, f'{name}/gt/gt_half-train.txt') elif 'half-val' in self.ann_file: gt_file = osp.join(self.img_prefix, f'{name}/gt/gt_half-val.txt') else: gt_file = osp.join(self.img_prefix, f'{name}/gt/gt.txt') res_file = osp.join(resfiles['track'], f'{name}.txt') # copy gt file from ceph to local temporary directory gt_dir_path = osp.join(, name, 'gt') os.makedirs(gt_dir_path) copied_gt_file = osp.join(, gt_file.replace(gt_file.split(name)[0], '')) f = open(copied_gt_file, 'wb') gt_content = self.file_client.get(gt_file) if hasattr(gt_content, 'tobytes'): gt_content = gt_content.tobytes() f.write(gt_content) f.close() # copy sequence file from ceph to local temporary directory copied_seqinfo_path = osp.join(, name, 'seqinfo.ini') f = open(copied_seqinfo_path, 'wb') seq_content = self.file_client.get( osp.join(self.img_prefix, name, 'seqinfo.ini')) if hasattr(seq_content, 'tobytes'): seq_content = seq_content.tobytes() f.write(seq_content) f.close() gt = res = if osp.exists(copied_seqinfo_path ) and 'MOT15' not in self.img_prefix: acc, ana = mm.utils.CLEAR_MOT_M( gt, res, copied_seqinfo_path, distth=distth) else: acc = mm.utils.compare_to_groundtruth( gt, res, distth=distth) accs.append(acc) mh = mm.metrics.create() summary = mh.compute_many( accs, names=names, metrics=mm.metrics.motchallenge_metrics, generate_overall=True) if trackeval is None: raise ImportError( 'Please run' 'pip install git+' # noqa 'to manually install trackeval') seqmap = osp.join(resfile_path, 'videoseq.txt') with open(seqmap, 'w') as f: f.write('name\n') for name in names: f.write(name + '\n') f.close() eval_config = trackeval.Evaluator.get_default_eval_config() # tracker's name is set to 'track', # so this word needs to be splited out output_folder = resfiles['track'].rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] dataset_config = self.get_dataset_cfg_for_hota(, output_folder, seqmap) evaluator = trackeval.Evaluator(eval_config) dataset = [trackeval.datasets.MotChallenge2DBox(dataset_config)] hota_metrics = [ trackeval.metrics.HOTA(dict(METRICS=['HOTA'], THRESHOLD=0.5)) ] output_res, _ = evaluator.evaluate(dataset, hota_metrics) # modify HOTA results sequence according to summary list, # indexes of summary are sequence names and 'OVERALL' # while for hota they are sequence names and 'COMBINED_SEQ' seq_list = list(summary.index) seq_list.append('COMBINED_SEQ') hota = [ np.average(output_res['MotChallenge2DBox']['track'][seq] ['pedestrian']['HOTA']['HOTA']) for seq in seq_list if 'OVERALL' not in seq ] eval_results.update({[k]: v['OVERALL'] for k, v in summary.to_dict().items() }) eval_results['HOTA'] = hota[-1] summary['HOTA'] = hota str_summary = summary, formatters=mh.formatters, print(str_summary) local_dir.cleanup() if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() if 'bbox' in metrics: if isinstance(results, dict): bbox_results = results['det_bboxes'] elif isinstance(results, list): bbox_results = results else: raise TypeError('results must be a dict or a list.') annotations = [self.get_ann_info(info) for info in self.data_infos] mean_ap, _ = eval_map( bbox_results, annotations, iou_thr=bbox_iou_thr, dataset=self.CLASSES, logger=logger) eval_results['mAP'] = mean_ap for k, v in eval_results.items(): if isinstance(v, float): eval_results[k] = float(f'{(v):.3f}') return eval_results
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