
mmtrack.core.track.interpolation 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np

def _interpolate_track(track, track_id, max_num_frames=20):
    """Interpolate a track linearly to make the track more complete.

        track (ndarray): With shape (N, 7). Each row denotes
            (frame_id, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, score).
        max_num_frames (int, optional): The maximum disconnected length in the
            track. Defaults to 20.

        ndarray: The interpolated track with shape (N, 7). Each row denotes
            (frame_id, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    assert (track[:, 1] == track_id).all(), \
        'The track id should not changed when interpolate a track.'

    frame_ids = track[:, 0]
    interpolated_track = np.zeros((0, 7))
    # perform interpolation for the disconnected frames in the track.
    for i in np.where(np.diff(frame_ids) > 1)[0]:
        left_frame_id = frame_ids[i]
        right_frame_id = frame_ids[i + 1]
        num_disconnected_frames = int(right_frame_id - left_frame_id)

        if 1 < num_disconnected_frames < max_num_frames:
            left_bbox = track[i, 2:6]
            right_bbox = track[i + 1, 2:6]

            # perform interpolation for two adjacent tracklets.
            for j in range(1, num_disconnected_frames):
                cur_bbox = j / (num_disconnected_frames) * (
                    right_bbox - left_bbox) + left_bbox
                cur_result = np.ones((7, ))
                cur_result[0] = j + left_frame_id
                cur_result[1] = track_id
                cur_result[2:6] = cur_bbox

                interpolated_track = np.concatenate(
                    (interpolated_track, cur_result[None]), axis=0)

    interpolated_track = np.concatenate((track, interpolated_track), axis=0)
    return interpolated_track

[文档]def interpolate_tracks(tracks, min_num_frames=5, max_num_frames=20): """Interpolate tracks linearly to make tracks more complete. This function is proposed in "ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Associating Every Detection Box." `ByteTrack<>`_. Args: tracks (ndarray): With shape (N, 7). Each row denotes (frame_id, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, score). min_num_frames (int, optional): The minimum length of a track that will be interpolated. Defaults to 5. max_num_frames (int, optional): The maximum disconnected length in a track. Defaults to 20. Returns: ndarray: The interpolated tracks with shape (N, 7). Each row denotes (frame_id, track_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, score) """ max_track_id = int(np.max(tracks[:, 1])) min_track_id = int(np.min(tracks[:, 1])) # perform interpolation for each track interpolated_tracks = [] for track_id in range(min_track_id, max_track_id + 1): inds = tracks[:, 1] == track_id track = tracks[inds] num_frames = len(track) if num_frames <= 2: continue if num_frames > min_num_frames: interpolated_track = _interpolate_track(track, track_id, max_num_frames) else: interpolated_track = track interpolated_tracks.append(interpolated_track) interpolated_tracks = np.concatenate(interpolated_tracks) return interpolated_tracks[interpolated_tracks[:, 0].argsort()]
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