
mmtrack.core.anchor.sot_anchor_generator 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmdet.core.anchor import ANCHOR_GENERATORS, AnchorGenerator

[文档]@ANCHOR_GENERATORS.register_module() class SiameseRPNAnchorGenerator(AnchorGenerator): """Anchor generator for siamese rpn. Please refer to `mmdet/core/anchor/` for detailed docstring. """ def __init__(self, strides, *args, **kwargs): assert len(strides) == 1, 'only support one feature map level' super(SiameseRPNAnchorGenerator, self).__init__(strides, *args, **kwargs)
[文档] def gen_2d_hanning_windows(self, featmap_sizes, device='cuda'): """Generate 2D hanning window. Args: featmap_sizes (list[torch.size]): List of torch.size recording the resolution (height, width) of the multi-level feature maps. device (str): Device the tensor will be put on. Defaults to 'cuda'. Returns: list[Tensor]: List of 2D hanning window with shape (num_base_anchors[i] * featmap_sizes[i][0] * featmap_sizes[i][1]). """ assert self.num_levels == len(featmap_sizes) multi_level_windows = [] for i in range(self.num_levels): hanning_h = np.hanning(featmap_sizes[i][0]) hanning_w = np.hanning(featmap_sizes[i][1]) window = np.outer(hanning_h, hanning_w) window = window.flatten().repeat(self.num_base_anchors[i]) multi_level_windows.append(torch.from_numpy(window).to(device)) return multi_level_windows
[文档] def gen_single_level_base_anchors(self, base_size, scales, ratios, center=None): """Generate base anchors of a single level feature map. Args: base_size (int | float): Basic size of an anchor. scales (torch.Tensor): Scales of the anchor. ratios (torch.Tensor): The ratio between between the height and width of anchors in a single level. center (tuple[float], optional): The center of the base anchor related to a single feature grid. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: Anchors of one spatial location in a single level feature map in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. """ w = base_size h = base_size if center is None: x_center = self.center_offset * w y_center = self.center_offset * h else: x_center, y_center = center h_ratios = torch.sqrt(ratios) w_ratios = 1 / h_ratios if self.scale_major: ws = ((w * w_ratios[:, None]).long() * scales[None, :]).view(-1) hs = ((h * h_ratios[:, None]).long() * scales[None, :]).view(-1) else: ws = ((w * w_ratios[None, :]).long() * scales[:, None]).view(-1) hs = ((h * h_ratios[None, :]).long() * scales[:, None]).view(-1) # use float anchor and the anchor's center is aligned with the # pixel point base_anchors = [ x_center - 0.5 * ws, y_center - 0.5 * hs, x_center + 0.5 * ws, y_center + 0.5 * hs ] base_anchors = torch.stack(base_anchors, dim=-1) return base_anchors
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