
mmtrack.core.optimizer.sot_optimizer_hook 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.runner.hooks import HOOKS, Fp16OptimizerHook, OptimizerHook

[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class SiameseRPNOptimizerHook(OptimizerHook): """Optimizer hook for siamese rpn. Args: backbone_start_train_epoch (int): Start to train the backbone at `backbone_start_train_epoch`-th epoch. Note the epoch in this class counts from 0, while the epoch in the log file counts from 1. backbone_train_layers (list(str)): List of str denoting the stages needed be trained in backbone. """ def __init__(self, backbone_start_train_epoch, backbone_train_layers, **kwargs): super(SiameseRPNOptimizerHook, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.backbone_start_train_epoch = backbone_start_train_epoch self.backbone_train_layers = backbone_train_layers
[文档] def before_train_epoch(self, runner): """If `runner.epoch >= self.backbone_start_train_epoch`, start to train the backbone.""" if runner.epoch >= self.backbone_start_train_epoch: for layer in self.backbone_train_layers: for param in getattr(runner.model.module.backbone, layer).parameters(): param.requires_grad = True for m in getattr(runner.model.module.backbone, layer).modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.train()
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class SiameseRPNFp16OptimizerHook(Fp16OptimizerHook): """FP16Optimizer hook for siamese rpn. Args: backbone_start_train_epoch (int): Start to train the backbone at `backbone_start_train_epoch`-th epoch. Note the epoch in this class counts from 0, while the epoch in the log file counts from 1. backbone_train_layers (list(str)): List of str denoting the stages needed be trained in backbone. """ def __init__(self, backbone_start_train_epoch, backbone_train_layers, **kwargs): super(SiameseRPNFp16OptimizerHook, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.backbone_start_train_epoch = backbone_start_train_epoch self.backbone_train_layers = backbone_train_layers
[文档] def before_train_epoch(self, runner): """If `runner.epoch >= self.backbone_start_train_epoch`, start to train the backbone.""" if runner.epoch >= self.backbone_start_train_epoch: for layer in self.backbone_train_layers: for param in getattr(runner.model.module.backbone, layer).parameters(): param.requires_grad = True for m in getattr(runner.model.module.backbone, layer).modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.train()
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