
Source code for mmtrack.models.roi_heads.roi_extractors.temporal_roi_align

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
from mmcv.runner import force_fp32
from mmdet.models.builder import ROI_EXTRACTORS
from mmdet.models.roi_heads.roi_extractors import SingleRoIExtractor

[docs]@ROI_EXTRACTORS.register_module() class TemporalRoIAlign(SingleRoIExtractor): """Temporal RoI Align module. This module is proposed in "Temporal ROI Align for Video Object Recognition". `TRoI Align <>`_. Args: num_most_similar_points (int): Denotes the number of the most similar points in the Most Similar RoI Align. Defaults to 2. num_temporal_attention_blocks (int): Denotes the number of temporal attention blocks in the Temporal Attentional Feature Aggregation. If the value isn't greater than 0, the averaging operation will be adopted to aggregate the RoI features with the Most Similar RoI features. Defaults to 4. """ def __init__(self, num_most_similar_points=2, num_temporal_attention_blocks=4, *args, **kwargs): super(TemporalRoIAlign, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.num_most_similar_points = num_most_similar_points self.num_temporal_attention_blocks = num_temporal_attention_blocks if self.num_temporal_attention_blocks > 0: self.embed_network = ConvModule( self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, padding=1, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=None)
[docs] def temporal_attentional_feature_aggregation(self, x, ref_x): """Aggregate the RoI features `x` with the Most Similar RoI features `ref_x`. The aggregation mainly contains three steps: 1. Pass through a tiny embed network. 2. Use multi-head attention to computing the weight between `x` and `ref_x`. 3. Use the normlized (i.e. softmax) weight to weightedly sum `x` and `ref_x`. Args: x (Tensor): of shape [1, roi_n, C, roi_h, roi_w]. roi_n, roi_h and roi_w denote the number of key frame proposals, the height of RoI features and the width of RoI features, respectively. ref_x (Tensor): of shape [img_n, roi_n, C, roi_h, roi_w]. img_n is the number of reference images. Returns: Tensor: The aggregated Temporal RoI features of key frame proposals with shape [roi_n, C, roi_h, roi_w]. """ # (img_n, roi_n, C, 7, 7) x =, ref_x), dim=0) img_n, roi_n, _, roi_h, roi_w = x.size() num_attention_blocks = self.num_temporal_attention_blocks # 1. Pass through a tiny embed network # (img_n * roi_n, C, 7, 7) x_embed = self.embed_network(x.view(img_n * roi_n, -1, roi_h, roi_w)) c_embed = x_embed.size(1) # 2. Perform multi-head attention # (img_n, roi_n, num_attention_blocks, C / num_attention_blocks, 7, 7) x_embed = x_embed.view(img_n, roi_n, num_attention_blocks, -1, roi_h, roi_w) # (1, roi_n, num_attention_blocks, C / num_attention_blocks, 7, 7) target_x_embed = x_embed[[0]] # (img_n, roi_n, num_attention_blocks, 1, 7, 7) ada_weights = torch.sum( x_embed * target_x_embed, dim=3, keepdim=True) / ( float(c_embed / num_attention_blocks)**0.5) # (img_n, roi_n, num_attention_blocks, C / num_attention_blocks, 7, 7) ada_weights = ada_weights.expand(-1, -1, -1, int(c_embed / num_attention_blocks), -1, -1).contiguous() # (img_n, roi_n, C, 7, 7) ada_weights = ada_weights.view(img_n, roi_n, c_embed, roi_h, roi_w) ada_weights = ada_weights.softmax(dim=0) # 3. Aggregation x = (x * ada_weights).sum(dim=0) return x
[docs] def most_similar_roi_align(self, roi_feats, ref_feats): """Extract the Most Similar RoI features from reference feature maps `ref_feats` based on RoI features `roi_feats`. The extraction mainly contains three steps: 1. Compute cos similarity maps between `roi_feats` and `ref_feats`. 2. Pick the top K points based on the similarity maps. 3. Project these top K points into reference feature maps `ref_feats`. Args: roi_feats (Tensor): of shape [roi_n, C, roi_h, roi_w]. roi_n, roi_h and roi_w denote the number of key frame proposals, the height of RoI features and the width of RoI features, respectively. ref_feats (Tensor): of shape [img_n, C, img_h, img_w]. img_n, img_h and img_w denote the number of reference frames, the height of reference frame feature maps and the width of reference frame feature maps, respectively. Returns: Tensor: The extracted Most Similar RoI features from reference feature maps with shape [img_n, roi_n, C, roi_h, roi_w]. """ # 1. Compute cos similarity maps. # (roi_n, C, 7, 7) roi_feats_embed = roi_feats # (img_n, C, H, W) ref_feats_embed = ref_feats roi_feats_embed = roi_feats_embed / roi_feats_embed.norm( p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) ref_feats_embed = ref_feats_embed / ref_feats_embed.norm( p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) roi_n, c_embed, roi_h, roi_w = roi_feats_embed.size() img_n, c_embed, img_h, img_w = ref_feats_embed.size() # (roi_n, 7, 7, C) roi_feats_embed = roi_feats_embed.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # (roi_n * 7 * 7, C) roi_feats_embed = roi_feats_embed.view(-1, c_embed) # (C, img_n, H, W) ref_feats_embed = ref_feats_embed.permute(1, 0, 2, 3).contiguous() # (C, img_n * H * W) ref_feats_embed = ref_feats_embed.view(c_embed, -1) # (roi_n * 7 * 7, img_n * H * W) cos_similarity_maps = # (roi_n * 7 * 7, img_n, H * W) cos_similarity_maps = cos_similarity_maps.view(-1, img_n, img_h * img_w) # 2. Pick the top K points based on the similarity scores. # (roi_n * 7 * 7, img_n, top_k) values, indices = cos_similarity_maps.topk( k=self.num_most_similar_points, dim=2, largest=True, ) # (roi_n * 7 * 7, img_n, top_k) values = values.softmax(dim=2) # 3. Project these top K points into reference feature maps. # (H, W, img_n, C) ref_feats_reshape = ref_feats.permute(2, 3, 0, 1).contiguous() # (H * W, img_n, C) ref_feats_reshape = ref_feats_reshape.view(-1, img_n, c_embed) # (0, roi_n * 7 * 7, C) ref_roi_feats = roi_feats.new_zeros( (0, roi_n * roi_h * roi_w, c_embed)) for i in range(img_n): # (roi_n * 7 * 7, top_k, C) topk_feats = ref_feats_reshape[indices[:, i], i, :] # (roi_n * 7 * 7, top_k, 1) topk_weights = values[:, i].unsqueeze(-1) # (roi_n * 7 * 7, top_k, C) one_ref_roi_feats = topk_feats * topk_weights # (1, roi_n * 7 * 7, C) one_ref_roi_feats = one_ref_roi_feats.sum(dim=1).unsqueeze(0) # (img_n, roi_n * 7 * 7, C) ref_roi_feats =, one_ref_roi_feats), dim=0) # (img_n, roi_n, 7, 7, C) ref_roi_feats = ref_roi_feats.view(img_n, roi_n, roi_h, roi_w, c_embed) # (img_n, roi_n, C, 7, 7) ref_roi_feats = ref_roi_feats.permute(0, 1, 4, 2, 3) return ref_roi_feats
[docs] @force_fp32(apply_to=('feats', 'ref_feats'), out_fp16=True) def forward(self, feats, rois, roi_scale_factor=None, ref_feats=None): """Forward function.""" roi_feats = super().forward(feats, rois, roi_scale_factor) if ref_feats is None: # Directly return roi features for proposals of reference images, # when there is no ref_feats return roi_feats else: # We only use the last level of reference feature map to perform # Most Similar RoI Align. ref_roi_feats = self.most_similar_roi_align( roi_feats, ref_feats[-1]) roi_feats = roi_feats.unsqueeze(0) if self.num_temporal_attention_blocks > 0: temporal_roi_feats = \ self.temporal_attentional_feature_aggregation( roi_feats, ref_roi_feats) else: temporal_roi_feats =, ref_roi_feats), dim=0) temporal_roi_feats = temporal_roi_feats.mean(dim=0) return temporal_roi_feats
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