
Source code for mmtrack.datasets.sot_coco_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import time

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS
from pycocotools.coco import COCO

from .base_sot_dataset import BaseSOTDataset

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class SOTCocoDataset(BaseSOTDataset): """Coco dataset of single object tracking. The dataset only support training mode. """ def __init__(self, ann_file, *args, **kwargs): """Initialization of SOT dataset class. Args: ann_file (str): The official coco annotation file. It will be loaded and parsed in the `self.load_data_infos` function. """ file_client_args = kwargs.get('file_client_args', dict(backend='disk')) self.file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args) with self.file_client.get_local_path(ann_file) as local_path: self.coco = COCO(local_path) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_data_infos(self, split='train'): """Load dataset information. Each instance is viewed as a video. Args: split (str, optional): The split of dataset. Defaults to 'train'. Returns: list[int]: The length of the list is the number of valid object annotations. The elemment in the list is annotation ID in coco API. """ print('Loading Coco dataset...') start_time = time.time() ann_list = list(self.coco.anns.keys()) videos_list = [ ann for ann in ann_list if self.coco.anns[ann].get('iscrowd', 0) == 0 ] print(f'Coco dataset loaded! ({time.time()-start_time:.2f} s)') return videos_list
[docs] def get_bboxes_from_video(self, video_ind): """Get bbox annotation about the instance in an image. Args: video_ind (int): video index. Each video_ind denotes an instance. Returns: ndarray: in [1, 4] shape. The bbox is in (x, y, w, h) format. """ ann_id = self.data_infos[video_ind] anno = self.coco.anns[ann_id] bboxes = np.array(anno['bbox']).reshape(-1, 4) return bboxes
[docs] def get_img_infos_from_video(self, video_ind): """Get all frame paths in a video. Args: video_ind (int): video index. Each video_ind denotes an instance. Returns: list[str]: all image paths """ ann_id = self.data_infos[video_ind] imgs = self.coco.loadImgs([self.coco.anns[ann_id]['image_id']]) img_names = [img['file_name'] for img in imgs] frame_ids = np.arange(self.get_len_per_video(video_ind)) img_infos = dict( filename=img_names, frame_ids=frame_ids, video_id=video_ind) return img_infos
[docs] def get_len_per_video(self, video_ind): """Get the number of frames in a video.""" return 1
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