
Source code for mmtrack.datasets.pipelines.formatting

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import warnings

import cv2
import numpy as np
from mmcv.parallel import DataContainer as DC
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import to_tensor

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ConcatSameTypeFrames(object): """Concat the frames of the same type. We divide all the frames into two types: 'key' frames and 'reference' frames. The input list contains as least two dicts. We concat the first `num_key_frames` dicts to one dict, and the rest of dicts are concated to another dict. In SOT field, 'key' denotes template image and 'reference' denotes search image. Args: num_key_frames (int, optional): the number of key frames. Defaults to 1. """ def __init__(self, num_key_frames=1): self.num_key_frames = num_key_frames
[docs] def concat_one_mode_results(self, results): """Concatenate the results of the same mode.""" out = dict() for i, result in enumerate(results): if 'img' in result: img = result['img'] if len(img.shape) < 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, -1) if i == 0: result['img'] = np.expand_dims(img, -1) else: out['img'] = np.concatenate( (out['img'], np.expand_dims(img, -1)), axis=-1) for key in ['img_metas', 'gt_masks']: if key in result: if i == 0: result[key] = [result[key]] else: out[key].append(result[key]) for key in [ 'proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_bboxes_ignore', 'gt_labels', 'gt_instance_ids' ]: if key not in result: continue value = result[key] if value.ndim == 1: value = value[:, None] N = value.shape[0] value = np.concatenate((np.full( (N, 1), i, dtype=np.float32), value), axis=1) if i == 0: result[key] = value else: out[key] = np.concatenate((out[key], value), axis=0) if 'gt_semantic_seg' in result: if i == 0: result['gt_semantic_seg'] = result['gt_semantic_seg'][..., None, None] else: out['gt_semantic_seg'] = np.concatenate( (out['gt_semantic_seg'], result['gt_semantic_seg'][..., None, None]), axis=-1) if 'padding_mask' in result: if i == 0: result['padding_mask'] = np.expand_dims( result['padding_mask'], 0) else: out['padding_mask'] = np.concatenate( (out['padding_mask'], np.expand_dims(result['padding_mask'], 0)), axis=0) if i == 0: out = result return out
def __call__(self, results): """Call function. Args: results (list[dict]): list of dict that contain keys such as 'img', 'img_metas', 'gt_masks','proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_bboxes_ignore', 'gt_labels','gt_semantic_seg', 'gt_instance_ids', 'padding_mask'. Returns: list[dict]: The first dict of outputs concats the dicts of 'key' information. The second dict of outputs concats the dicts of 'reference' information. """ assert (isinstance(results, list)), 'results must be list' key_results = [] reference_results = [] for i, result in enumerate(results): if i < self.num_key_frames: key_results.append(result) else: reference_results.append(result) outs = [] if self.num_key_frames == 1: # if single key, not expand the dim of variables outs.append(key_results[0]) else: outs.append(self.concat_one_mode_results(key_results)) outs.append(self.concat_one_mode_results(reference_results)) return outs
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ConcatVideoReferences(ConcatSameTypeFrames): """Concat video references. If the input list contains at least two dicts, concat the input list of dict to one dict from 2-nd dict of the input list. Note: the 'ConcatVideoReferences' class will be deprecated in the future, please use 'ConcatSameTypeFrames' instead. """ def __init__(self): warnings.warn( "The 'ConcatVideoReferences' class will be deprecated in the " "future, please use 'ConcatSameTypeFrames' instead") super(ConcatVideoReferences, self).__init__(num_key_frames=1)
@PIPELINES.register_module() class MultiImagesToTensor(object): """Multi images to tensor. 1. Transpose and convert image/multi-images to Tensor. 2. Add prefix to every key in the second dict of the inputs. Then, add these keys and corresponding values into the outputs. Args: ref_prefix (str): The prefix of key added to the second dict of inputs. Defaults to 'ref'. """ def __init__(self, ref_prefix='ref'): self.ref_prefix = ref_prefix def __call__(self, results): """Multi images to tensor. 1. Transpose and convert image/multi-images to Tensor. 2. Add prefix to every key in the second dict of the inputs. Then, add these keys and corresponding values into the output dict. Args: results (list[dict]): List of two dicts. Returns: dict: Each key in the first dict of `results` remains unchanged. Each key in the second dict of `results` adds `self.ref_prefix` as prefix. """ outs = [] for _results in results: _results = self.images_to_tensor(_results) outs.append(_results) data = {} data.update(outs[0]) if len(outs) == 2: for k, v in outs[1].items(): data[f'{self.ref_prefix}_{k}'] = v return data def images_to_tensor(self, results): """Transpose and convert images/multi-images to Tensor.""" if 'img' in results: img = results['img'] if len(img.shape) == 3: # (H, W, 3) to (3, H, W) img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)) else: # (H, W, 3, N) to (N, 3, H, W) img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1)) results['img'] = to_tensor(img) if 'proposals' in results: results['proposals'] = to_tensor(results['proposals']) if 'img_metas' in results: results['img_metas'] = DC(results['img_metas'], cpu_only=True) return results
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class SeqDefaultFormatBundle(object): """Sequence Default formatting bundle. It simplifies the pipeline of formatting common fields, including "img", "img_metas", "proposals", "gt_bboxes", "gt_instance_ids", "gt_match_indices", "gt_bboxes_ignore", "gt_labels", "gt_masks", "gt_semantic_seg" and 'padding_mask'. These fields are formatted as follows. - img: (1) transpose, (2) to tensor, (3) to DataContainer (stack=True) - img_metas: (1) to DataContainer (cpu_only=True) - proposals: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_bboxes: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_instance_ids: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_match_indices: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_bboxes_ignore: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_labels: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_masks: (1) to DataContainer (cpu_only=True) - gt_semantic_seg: (1) unsqueeze dim-0 (2) to tensor, \ (3) to DataContainer (stack=True) - padding_mask: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer Args: ref_prefix (str): The prefix of key added to the second dict of input list. Defaults to 'ref'. """ def __init__(self, ref_prefix='ref'): self.ref_prefix = ref_prefix def __call__(self, results): """Sequence Default formatting bundle call function. Args: results (list[dict]): List of two dicts. Returns: dict: The result dict contains the data that is formatted with default bundle. Each key in the second dict of the input list adds `self.ref_prefix` as prefix. """ outs = [] for _results in results: _results = self.default_format_bundle(_results) outs.append(_results) data = {} data.update(outs[0]) for k, v in outs[1].items(): data[f'{self.ref_prefix}_{k}'] = v return data
[docs] def default_format_bundle(self, results): """Transform and format common fields in results. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to convert. Returns: dict: The result dict contains the data that is formatted with default bundle. """ if 'img' in results: img = results['img'] if len(img.shape) == 3: img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)) else: img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1)) results['img'] = DC(to_tensor(img), stack=True) if 'padding_mask' in results: results['padding_mask'] = DC( to_tensor(results['padding_mask'].copy()), stack=True) for key in [ 'proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_bboxes_ignore', 'gt_labels', 'gt_instance_ids', 'gt_match_indices' ]: if key not in results: continue results[key] = DC(to_tensor(results[key])) for key in ['img_metas', 'gt_masks']: if key in results: results[key] = DC(results[key], cpu_only=True) if 'gt_semantic_seg' in results: semantic_seg = results['gt_semantic_seg'] if len(semantic_seg.shape) == 2: semantic_seg = semantic_seg[None, ...] else: semantic_seg = np.ascontiguousarray( semantic_seg.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1)) results['gt_semantic_seg'] = DC( to_tensor(results['gt_semantic_seg']), stack=True) return results
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class VideoCollect(object): """Collect data from the loader relevant to the specific task. Args: keys (Sequence[str]): Keys of results to be collected in ``data``. meta_keys (Sequence[str]): Meta keys to be converted to ``mmcv.DataContainer`` and collected in ``data[img_metas]``. Defaults to None. default_meta_keys (tuple): Default meta keys. Defaults to ('filename', 'ori_filename', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'pad_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', 'flip_direction', 'img_norm_cfg', 'frame_id', 'is_video_data'). """ def __init__(self, keys, meta_keys=None, default_meta_keys=('filename', 'ori_filename', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'pad_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', 'flip_direction', 'img_norm_cfg', 'frame_id', 'is_video_data')): self.keys = keys self.meta_keys = default_meta_keys if meta_keys is not None: if isinstance(meta_keys, str): meta_keys = (meta_keys, ) else: assert isinstance(meta_keys, tuple), \ 'meta_keys must be str or tuple' self.meta_keys += meta_keys def __call__(self, results): """Call function to collect keys in results. The keys in ``meta_keys`` and ``default_meta_keys`` will be converted to :obj:mmcv.DataContainer. Args: results (list[dict] | dict): List of dict or dict which contains the data to collect. Returns: list[dict] | dict: List of dict or dict that contains the following keys: - keys in ``self.keys`` - ``img_metas`` """ results_is_dict = isinstance(results, dict) if results_is_dict: results = [results] outs = [] for _results in results: _results = self._add_default_meta_keys(_results) _results = self._collect_meta_keys(_results) outs.append(_results) if results_is_dict: outs[0]['img_metas'] = DC(outs[0]['img_metas'], cpu_only=True) return outs[0] if results_is_dict else outs def _collect_meta_keys(self, results): """Collect `self.keys` and `self.meta_keys` from `results` (dict).""" data = {} img_meta = {} for key in self.meta_keys: if key in results: img_meta[key] = results[key] elif key in results['img_info']: img_meta[key] = results['img_info'][key] data['img_metas'] = img_meta for key in self.keys: data[key] = results[key] return data def _add_default_meta_keys(self, results): """Add default meta keys. We set default meta keys including `pad_shape`, `scale_factor` and `img_norm_cfg` to avoid the case where no `Resize`, `Normalize` and `Pad` are implemented during the whole pipeline. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to convert. Returns: results (dict): Updated result dict contains the data to convert. """ img = results['img'] results.setdefault('pad_shape', img.shape) results.setdefault('scale_factor', 1.0) num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2] results.setdefault( 'img_norm_cfg', dict( mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32), std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32), to_rgb=False)) return results
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class CheckPadMaskValidity(object): """Check the validity of data. Generally, it's used in such case: The image padding masks generated in the image preprocess need to be downsampled, and then passed into Transformer model, like DETR. The computation in the subsequent Transformer model must make sure that the values of downsampled mask are not all zeros. Args: stride (int): the max stride of feature map. """ def __init__(self, stride): self.stride = stride def __call__(self, results): """Call function. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to be checked. Returns: dict | None: If invalid, return None; otherwise, return original input. """ for _results in results: assert 'padding_mask' in _results mask = _results['padding_mask'].copy().astype(np.float32) img_h, img_w = _results['img'].shape[:2] feat_h, feat_w = img_h // self.stride, img_w // self.stride downsample_mask = cv2.resize( mask, dsize=(feat_h, feat_w)).astype(bool) if (downsample_mask == 1).all(): return None return results
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ToList(object): """Use list to warp each value of the input dict. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to convert. Returns: dict: Updated result dict contains the data to convert. """ def __call__(self, results): out = {} for k, v in results.items(): out[k] = [v] return out
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ReIDFormatBundle(object): """ReID formatting bundle. It first concatenates common fields, then simplifies the pipeline of formatting common fields, including "img", and "gt_label". These fields are formatted as follows. - img: (1) transpose, (2) to tensor, (3) to DataContainer (stack=True) - gt_labels: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() def __call__(self, results): """ReID formatting bundle call function. Args: results (list[dict] or dict): List of dicts or dict. Returns: dict: The result dict contains the data that is formatted with ReID bundle. """ inputs = dict() if isinstance(results, list): assert len(results) > 1, \ 'the \'results\' only have one item, ' \ 'please directly use normal pipeline not \'Seq\' pipeline.' inputs['img'] = np.stack([_results['img'] for _results in results], axis=3) inputs['gt_label'] = np.stack( [_results['gt_label'] for _results in results], axis=0) elif isinstance(results, dict): inputs['img'] = results['img'] inputs['gt_label'] = results['gt_label'] else: raise TypeError('results must be a list or a dict.') outs = self.reid_format_bundle(inputs) return outs
[docs] def reid_format_bundle(self, results): """Transform and format gt_label fields in results. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to convert. Returns: dict: The result dict contains the data that is formatted with ReID bundle. """ for key in results: if key == 'img': img = results[key] if img.ndim == 3: img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)) else: img = np.ascontiguousarray(img.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1)) results['img'] = DC(to_tensor(img), stack=True) elif key == 'gt_label': results[key] = DC( to_tensor(results[key]), stack=True, pad_dims=None) else: raise KeyError(f'key {key} is not supported') return results
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