
Source code for mmtrack.datasets.got10k_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import time

import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS

from .base_sot_dataset import BaseSOTDataset

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class GOT10kDataset(BaseSOTDataset): """GOT10k Dataset of single object tracking. The dataset can both support training and testing mode. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GOT10kDataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_data_infos(self, split='train'): """Load dataset information. Args: split (str, optional): the split of dataset. Defaults to 'train'. Returns: list[dict]: the length of the list is the number of videos. The inner dict is in the following format: { 'video_path': the video path 'ann_path': the annotation path 'start_frame_id': the starting frame number contained in the image name 'end_frame_id': the ending frame number contained in the image name 'framename_template': the template of image name } """ print('Loading GOT10k dataset...') start_time = time.time() assert split in ['train', 'val', 'test', 'val_vot', 'train_vot'] data_infos = [] data_infos_str = self.loadtxt( self.ann_file, return_array=False).split('\n') # the first line of annotation file is a dataset comment. for line in data_infos_str[1:]: # compatible with different OS. line = line.strip().replace('/', os.sep).split(',') data_info = dict( video_path=line[0], ann_path=line[1], start_frame_id=int(line[2]), end_frame_id=int(line[3]), framename_template='%08d.jpg') data_infos.append(data_info) print(f'GOT10k dataset loaded! ({time.time()-start_time:.2f} s)') return data_infos
[docs] def get_visibility_from_video(self, video_ind): """Get the visible information of instance in a video.""" if not self.test_mode: absense_info_path = osp.join( self.img_prefix, self.data_infos[video_ind]['video_path'], 'absence.label') cover_info_path = osp.join( self.img_prefix, self.data_infos[video_ind]['video_path'], 'cover.label') absense_info = self.loadtxt(absense_info_path, dtype=bool) # The values of key 'cover' are # int numbers in range [0,8], which correspond to # ranges of object visible ratios: 0%, (0%, 15%], # (15%~30%], (30%, 45%], (45%, 60%],(60%, 75%], # (75%, 90%], (90%, 100%) and 100% respectively cover_info = self.loadtxt(cover_info_path, dtype=int) visible = ~absense_info & (cover_info > 0) visible_ratio = cover_info / 8. return dict(visible=visible, visible_ratio=visible_ratio) else: return super(GOT10kDataset, self).get_visibility_from_video(video_ind)
[docs] def prepare_test_data(self, video_ind, frame_ind): """Get testing data of one frame. We parse one video, get one frame from it and pass the frame information to the pipeline. Args: video_ind (int): video index frame_ind (int): frame index Returns: dict: testing data of one frame. """ if self.test_memo.get('video_ind', None) != video_ind: self.test_memo.video_ind = video_ind self.test_memo.img_infos = self.get_img_infos_from_video(video_ind) assert 'video_ind' in self.test_memo and 'img_infos' in self.test_memo img_info = dict( filename=self.test_memo.img_infos['filename'][frame_ind], frame_id=frame_ind) if frame_ind == 0: ann_infos = self.get_ann_infos_from_video(video_ind) ann_info = dict( bboxes=ann_infos['bboxes'][frame_ind], visible=True) else: ann_info = dict( bboxes=np.array([0] * 4, dtype=np.float32), visible=True) results = dict(img_info=img_info, ann_info=ann_info) self.pre_pipeline(results) results = self.pipeline(results) return results
[docs] def format_results(self, results, resfile_path=None, logger=None): """Format the results to txts (standard format for GOT10k Challenge). Args: results (dict(list[ndarray])): Testing results of the dataset. resfile_path (str): Path to save the formatted results. Defaults to None. logger (logging.Logger | str | None, optional): defaults to None. """ # prepare saved dir assert resfile_path is not None, 'Please give key-value pair \ like resfile_path=xxx in argparse' if not osp.isdir(resfile_path): os.makedirs(resfile_path, exist_ok=True) # transform tracking results format # from [bbox_1, bbox_2, ...] to {'video_1':[bbox_1, bbox_2, ...], ...} track_bboxes = results['track_bboxes'] print_log( f'-------- There are total {len(track_bboxes)} images --------', logger=logger) start_ind = end_ind = 0 for num, video_info in zip(self.num_frames_per_video, self.data_infos): end_ind += num video_name = video_info['video_path'].split(os.sep)[-1] video_resfiles_path = osp.join(resfile_path, video_name) if not osp.isdir(video_resfiles_path): os.makedirs(video_resfiles_path, exist_ok=True) video_bbox_txt = osp.join(video_resfiles_path, '{}_001.txt'.format(video_name)) video_time_txt = osp.join(video_resfiles_path, '{}_time.txt'.format(video_name)) with open(video_bbox_txt, 'w') as f_bbox, open(video_time_txt, 'w') as f_time: for bbox in results['track_bboxes'][start_ind:end_ind]: bbox = [ str(f'{bbox[0]:.4f}'), str(f'{bbox[1]:.4f}'), str(f'{(bbox[2] - bbox[0]):.4f}'), str(f'{(bbox[3] - bbox[1]):.4f}') ] line = ','.join(bbox) + '\n' f_bbox.writelines(line) # We don't record testing time, so we set a default # time in order to test on the server. f_time.writelines('0.0001\n') start_ind += num shutil.make_archive(resfile_path, 'zip', resfile_path) shutil.rmtree(resfile_path) print_log( f'-------- The results are stored in {resfile_path}.zip --------', logger=logger)
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