
Source code for mmtrack.core.evaluation.eval_sot_vot

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
# The codes are modified from # noqa: E501
import numpy as np

    import vot
    from vot.analysis import is_special
    from vot.region import Polygon, Rectangle, Special
    from vot.region import calculate_overlaps as calculate_region_overlaps
except ImportError:
    vot = None

[docs]def bbox2region(bbox): """Convert bbox to Rectangle or Polygon Class object. Args: bbox (ndarray): the format of rectangle bbox is (x1, y1, w, h); the format of polygon is (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...). Returns: Rectangle or Polygon Class object. """ if vot is None: raise ImportError( 'Please run' ' pip install git+ ' 'to manually install vot-toolkit') if len(bbox) == 1: return Special(bbox[0]) elif len(bbox) == 4: return Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) elif len(bbox) % 2 == 0 and len(bbox) > 4: return Polygon([(x_, y_) for x_, y_ in zip(bbox[::2], bbox[1::2])]) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'The length of bbox is {len(bbox)}, which is not supported')
def trajectory2region(trajectory): """Convert bbox trajectory to Rectangle or Polygon Class object trajectory. Args: trajectory (list[ndarray]): The outer list contains bbox of each frame in a video. The bbox is a ndarray. Returns: List: contains the Region Class object of each frame in a trajectory. """ traj_region = [] for bbox in trajectory: traj_region.append(bbox2region(bbox)) return traj_region def locate_failures_inits(trajectory): """locate the failure frame and initialized frame in a trajectory. Args: trajectory (list[ndarray]): list of tracking results. Returns: fail_inds (list): index of failed frame in a trajectory. init_inds (list): index of initialized frame in a trajectory. """ fail_inds = [] init_inds = [] for i, bbox in enumerate(trajectory): if len(bbox) == 1: if bbox[0] == 1.: init_inds.append(i) elif bbox[0] == 2.: fail_inds.append(i) return fail_inds, init_inds def count_failures(trajectory): """count the number of failed frame in a trajectory. Args: trajectory (list[ndarray]): list of tracking results. Returns: List: the number of failed frame in a trajectory. """ num_fails = 0 for bbox in trajectory: if len(bbox) == 1 and bbox[0] == 2.: num_fails += 1 return num_fails def calc_accuracy(gt_trajectory, pred_trajectory, burnin=10, ignore_unknown=True, video_wh=None): """Calculate accuracy over the sequence. Args: gt_trajectory (list[list]): list of bboxes pred_trajectory (list[ndarray]): The outer list contains the tracking results of each frame in one video. The ndarray has two cases: - bbox: denotes the normal tracking box in [x1, y1, w, h] format. - special tracking state: [0] denotes the unknown state, namely the skipping frame after failure, [1] denotes the initialized state, and [2] denotes the failed state. burnin: number of frames that have to be ignored after the re-initialization when calculating accuracy. Default is 10. ignore_unknown (bool): whether ignore the skipping frames after failures when calculating accuracy. Default is True. video_wh: bounding region (width, height) Return: Float: accuracy over the sequence. """ pred_traj_region = trajectory2region(pred_trajectory) gt_traj_region = trajectory2region(gt_trajectory) overlaps = np.array( calculate_region_overlaps(pred_traj_region, gt_traj_region, video_wh)) mask = np.ones(len(overlaps), dtype=bool) for i, region in enumerate(pred_traj_region): if is_special(region, Special.UNKNOWN) and ignore_unknown: mask[i] = False elif is_special(region, Special.INITIALIZATION): for j in range(i, min(len(pred_traj_region), i + burnin)): mask[j] = False elif is_special(region, Special.FAILURE): mask[i] = False return np.mean(overlaps[mask]) if any(mask) else 0.
[docs]def eval_sot_accuracy_robustness(results, annotations, burnin=10, ignore_unknown=True, videos_wh=None): """Calculate accuracy and robustness over all tracking sequences. Args: results (list[list[ndarray]]): The first list contains the tracking results of each video. The second list contains the tracking results of each frame in one video. The ndarray have two cases: - bbox: denotes the normal tracking box in [x1, y1, w, h] format. - special tracking state: [0] denotes the unknown state, namely the skipping frame after failure, [1] denotes the initialized state, and [2] denotes the failed state. annotations (list[ndarray]): The list contains the gt_bboxes of each video. The ndarray is gt_bboxes of one video. It's in (N, 4) shape. Each bbox is in (x1, y1, w, h) format. burnin: number of frames that have to be ignored after the re-initialization when calculating accuracy. Default is 10. ignore_unknown (bool): whether ignore the skipping frames after failures when calculating accuracy. Default is True. videos_wh (list[tuple(width, height), ...]): The list contains the width and height of each video. Default is None. Return: dict{str: float}: accuracy and robustness in EAO evaluation metric. """ if vot is None: raise ImportError( 'Please run' 'pip install git+' 'to manually install vot-toolkit') accuracy = 0 num_fails = 0 weight = 0 for i, (gt_traj, pred_traj) in enumerate(zip(annotations, results)): assert len(gt_traj) == len(pred_traj) assert len(pred_traj[0]) == 1 and pred_traj[0][0] == 1 num_fails += count_failures(pred_traj) accuracy += calc_accuracy( gt_traj, pred_traj, burnin=burnin, ignore_unknown=ignore_unknown, video_wh=videos_wh[i]) * len(pred_traj) weight += len(pred_traj) accuracy /= weight robustness = num_fails / weight * 100 return dict(accuracy=accuracy, robustness=robustness, num_fails=num_fails)
def calc_eao_curve(overlaps, successes): """Calculate EAO curve over all tracking sequences. Args: overlaps (list[list]): The outer list contains the overlaps of each video. The inner list contains the overlap of each frame in one video. successes (list): The list contains the tracking states of last frame in each fragment. Return: ndarray: The N-th element in ndarray denotes the average overlaps from 1 to N in all fragments. """ max_length = max([len(_) for _ in overlaps]) total_runs = len(overlaps) overlaps_array = np.zeros((total_runs, max_length), dtype=np.float32) # mask out frames which are not considered in EAO calculation. initial # value are zero, meaning ignored. mask = np.zeros((total_runs, max_length), dtype=np.float32) for i, (overlap, success) in enumerate(zip(overlaps, successes)): overlaps_array[i, :len(overlap)] = np.array(overlap) if not success: # tracker has failed during this sequence - consider all of # 'overlaps_array' and use the default padding from the end of # sequence to max length. mask[i, :] = 1 else: # tracker has successfully tracked to the end - consider only this # part of the true sequence, and ignore the padding from the end of # sequence to max length. mask[i, :len(overlap)] = 1 overlaps_array_sum = overlaps_array.copy() # overlaps_array_sum[i,j] means the mean overlap from 1 to j in i-th # sequence for j in range(1, overlaps_array_sum.shape[1]): overlaps_array_sum[:, j] = np.mean(overlaps_array[:, 1:j + 1], axis=1) return np.sum(overlaps_array_sum * mask, axis=0) / np.sum(mask, axis=0)
[docs]def eval_sot_eao(results, annotations, interval=[100, 356], videos_wh=None): """Calculate EAO socre over all tracking sequences. Args: results (list[list[ndarray]]): The first list contains the tracking results of each video. The second list contains the tracking results of each frame in one video. The ndarray have two cases: - bbox: denotes the normal tracking box in [x1, y1, w, h] format. - special tracking state: [0] denotes the unknown state, namely the skipping frame after failure, [1] denotes the initialized state, and [2] denotes the failed state. annotations (list[ndarray]): The list contains the gt_bboxes of each video. The ndarray is gt_bboxes of one video. It's in (N, 4) shape. Each bbox is in (x1, y1, w, h) format. interval: an specified interval in EAO curve used to calculate the EAO score. There are different settings in different VOT challenge. Default is VOT2018 setting: [100, 356]. videos_wh (list[tuple(width, height), ...]): The list contains the width and height of each video. Default is None. Return: dict[str, float]: EAO score in EAO evaluation metric. """ if vot is None: raise ImportError( 'Please run' 'pip install git+' 'to manually install vot-toolkit') if videos_wh is None: videos_wh = [None] * len(annotations) all_overlaps = [] all_successes = [] for i, (gt_traj, pred_traj) in enumerate(zip(annotations, results)): assert len(gt_traj) == len( pred_traj), f'{len(gt_traj)} == {len(pred_traj)}' # initialized bbox annotation is [1] assert len(pred_traj[0]) == 1 and pred_traj[0][ 0] == 1, f'{len(pred_traj[0])} == 1 and {pred_traj[0][0]} == 1' fail_inds, init_inds = locate_failures_inits(pred_traj) pred_traj = trajectory2region(pred_traj) gt_traj = trajectory2region(gt_traj) overlaps = calculate_region_overlaps(pred_traj, gt_traj, videos_wh[i]) if len(fail_inds) > 0: for i in range(len(fail_inds)): all_overlaps.append(overlaps[init_inds[i]:fail_inds[i]]) all_successes.append(False) # handle last initialization if len(init_inds) > len(fail_inds): # tracker was initialized, but it has not failed until the end # of the sequence all_overlaps.append(overlaps[init_inds[-1]:]) all_successes.append(True) else: all_overlaps.append(overlaps) all_successes.append(True) eao_curve = calc_eao_curve(all_overlaps, all_successes) eao_score = np.mean(eao_curve[interval[0]:interval[1] + 1]) eao = dict(eao=eao_score) return eao
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