

We provide demo scripts to inference a given video or a folder that contains continuous images. The source codes are available here.

Note that if you use a folder as the input, the image names there must be sortable , which means we can re-order the images according to the numbers contained in the filenames. We now only support reading the images whose filenames end with .jpg, .jpeg and .png.

Inference VID models

This script can inference an input video with a video object detection model.

python demo/ \
    --input ${INPUT} \
    --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
    [--output ${OUTPUT}] \
    [--device ${DEVICE}] \

The INPUT and OUTPUT support both mp4 video format and the folder format.

Optional arguments:

  • OUTPUT: Output of the visualized demo. If not specified, the --show is obligate to show the video on the fly.

  • DEVICE: The device for inference. Options are cpu or cuda:0, etc.

  • --show: Whether show the video on the fly.


Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/, your video filename is demo.mp4, and your output path is the ./outputs/

python ./demo/ \
    configs/vid/selsa/ \
    --input ./demo.mp4 \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/selsa_faster_rcnn_r101_dc5_1x_imagenetvid_20201218_172724-aa961bcc.pth \
    --output ./outputs/ \

Inference MOT/VIS models

This script can inference an input video / images with a multiple object tracking or video instance segmentation model.

python demo/ \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    --input ${INPUT} \
    [--output ${OUTPUT}] \
    [--checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT_FILE}] \
    [--score-thr ${SCORE_THR} \
    [--device ${DEVICE}] \

The INPUT and OUTPUT support both mp4 video format and the folder format.

Important: For DeepSORT, SORT, Tracktor, StrongSORT, they need both the weight of the reid and the weight of the detector. Therefore, we can’t use --checkpoint to specify it. We need to use init_cfg in the configuration file to set the weight path. Other algorithms such as ByteTrack, OCSORT and QDTrack need not pay attention to this.

Optional arguments:

  • OUTPUT: Output of the visualized demo. If not specified, the --show is obligate to show the video on the fly.

  • CHECKPOINT_FILE: The checkpoint is optional in case that you already set up the pretrained models in the config by the key init_cfg.

  • SCORE_THR: The threshold of score to filter bboxes.

  • DEVICE: The device for inference. Options are cpu or cuda:0, etc.

  • --show: Whether show the video on the fly.

Examples of running mot model:

# Example 1: do not specify --checkpoint to use the default init_cfg
python demo/ \
    configs/mot/sort/ \
    --input demo/demo.mp4 \
    --output mot.mp4

# Example 2: use --checkpoint
python demo/ \
    configs/mot/bytetrack/ \
    --input demo/demo.mp4 \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/bytetrack_yolox_x_crowdhuman_mot17-private-half_20211218_205500-1985c9f0.pth \
    --output mot.mp4

Examples of running vis model:

Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/, your video filename is demo.mp4, and your output path is the ./outputs/

python demo/ \
    configs/vis/masktrack_rcnn/ \
    --input demo.mp4 \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/masktrack_rcnn_r50_fpn_12e_youtubevis2019_20211022_194830-6ca6b91e.pth \
    --output ./outputs/ \

Inference SOT models

This script can inference an input video with a single object tracking model.

python demo/ \
    --input ${INPUT} \
    --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
    [--output ${OUTPUT}] \
    [--device ${DEVICE}] \
    [--show] \
    [--gt_bbox_file ${GT_BBOX_FILE}]

The INPUT and OUTPUT support both mp4 video format and the folder format.

Optional arguments:

  • OUTPUT: Output of the visualized demo. If not specified, the --show is obligate to show the video on the fly.

  • DEVICE: The device for inference. Options are cpu or cuda:0, etc.

  • --show: Whether show the video on the fly.

  • GT_BBOX_FILE: The gt_bbox file path of the video. We only use the gt_bbox of the first frame. If not specified, you would draw init bbox of the video manually.


Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/

python ./demo/ \
    configs/sot/siamese_rpn/ \
    --input ${VIDEO_FILE} \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/siamese_rpn_r50_1x_lasot_20211203_151612-da4b3c66.pth \
    --output ${OUTPUT} \
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