
Source code for mmtrack.utils.misc

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

from ..structures import TrackDataSample

[docs]def stack_batch(tensors: List[torch.Tensor], pad_size_divisor: int = 0, pad_value: Union[int, float] = 0) -> torch.Tensor: """Stack multiple tensors to form a batch and pad the images to the max shape use the right bottom padding mode in these images. If ``pad_size_divisor > 0``, add padding to ensure the common height and width is divisible by ``pad_size_divisor``. Args: tensors (List[Tensor]): The input multiple tensors. each is a TCHW 4D-tensor. T denotes the number of key/reference frames. pad_size_divisor (int): If ``pad_size_divisor > 0``, add padding to ensure the common height and width is divisible by ``pad_size_divisor``. This depends on the model, and many models need a divisibility of 32. Defaults to 0 pad_value (int, float): The padding value. Defaults to 0 Returns: Tensor: The NTCHW 5D-tensor. N denotes the batch size. """ assert isinstance(tensors, list), \ f'Expected input type to be list, but got {type(tensors)}' assert len(set([tensor.ndim for tensor in tensors])) == 1, \ f'Expected the dimensions of all tensors must be the same, ' \ f'but got {[tensor.ndim for tensor in tensors]}' assert tensors[0].ndim == 4, f'Expected tensor dimension to be 4, ' \ f'but got {tensors[0].ndim}' assert len(set([tensor.shape[0] for tensor in tensors])) == 1, \ f'Expected the channels of all tensors must be the same, ' \ f'but got {[tensor.shape[0] for tensor in tensors]}' tensor_sizes = [(tensor.shape[-2], tensor.shape[-1]) for tensor in tensors] max_size = np.stack(tensor_sizes).max(0) if pad_size_divisor > 1: # the last two dims are H,W, both subject to divisibility requirement max_size = ( max_size + (pad_size_divisor - 1)) // pad_size_divisor * pad_size_divisor padded_samples = [] for tensor in tensors: padding_size = [ 0, max_size[-1] - tensor.shape[-1], 0, max_size[-2] - tensor.shape[-2] ] if sum(padding_size) == 0: padded_samples.append(tensor) else: padded_samples.append(F.pad(tensor, padding_size, value=pad_value)) return torch.stack(padded_samples, dim=0)
[docs]def convert_data_sample_type( data_sample: TrackDataSample, num_ref_imgs: int = 1) -> Tuple[List[TrackDataSample], List[dict]]: """Convert the type of ``data_sample`` from dict[list] to list[dict]. Note: This function is mainly used to be compatible with the interface of MMDetection. It make sure that the information of each reference image can be independently packed into ``data_sample`` in which all the keys are without prefix "ref_". Args: data_sample (TrackDataSample): Data sample input. num_ref_imgs (int, optional): The numbe of reference images in the ``data_sample``. Defaults to 1. Returns: Tuple[List[TrackDataSample], List[dict]]: The first element is the list of object of TrackDataSample. The second element is the list of meta information of reference images. """ ref_data_samples, ref_metainfos = [], [] for _ in range(num_ref_imgs): ref_data_samples.append(deepcopy(data_sample)) ref_metainfos.append(deepcopy(data_sample.metainfo)) for key, value in data_sample.metainfo.items(): if key.startswith('ref_'): new_key = key[4:] if num_ref_imgs == 1: value = [value] assert len(value) == num_ref_imgs for i, v in enumerate(value): ref_metainfos[i][new_key] = v ref_data_samples[i].set_metainfo(dict(new_key=v)) # pop the redundant original reference key. ref_metainfos[i].pop(key) ref_data_samples[i].pop(key) return ref_data_samples, ref_metainfos
[docs]def max_last2d(input: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Computes the value and position of maximum in the last two dimensions. Args: input (Tensor): of shape (..., H, W) Returns: max_val (Tensor): The maximum value. argmax (Tensor): The position of maximum in [row, col] format. """ max_val_row, argmax_row = torch.max(input, dim=-2) max_val, argmax_col = torch.max(max_val_row, dim=-1) argmax_row = argmax_row.view(argmax_col.numel(), -1)[torch.arange(argmax_col.numel()), argmax_col.view(-1)] argmax_row = argmax_row.reshape(argmax_col.shape) argmax =, argmax_col.unsqueeze(-1)), -1) return max_val, argmax
[docs]def format_video_level_show( video_names: List, eval_results: List[np.ndarray], sort_by_first_metric: bool = True, show_indices: Optional[Tuple[int, List]] = None) -> List[List]: """Format video-level performance show. Args: video_names (List): The names of the videos. eval_results (List[np.ndarray]): The evaluation results. sort_by_first_metric (bool, optional): Whether to sort the results by the first metric. Defaults to True. show_indices (Optional[Tuple[int, List]], optional): The video indices to be shown. Defaults to None, i.e., all videos. Returns: List[List]: The formatted video-level evaluation results. For example: [[`video-2`, 48.2, 49.2, 51.9], [`video-1`, 46.2, 48.2, 50.2]] """ all_video_names_str = np.array(video_names, dtype=str) eval_show_results = eval_results if sort_by_first_metric: # sort from largest to smallest sorted_index = np.argsort(-eval_results[0]) all_video_names_str = all_video_names_str[sorted_index] sorted_eval_results = [] for eval_res in eval_results: sorted_eval_results.append(eval_res[sorted_index]) eval_show_results = np.stack(sorted_eval_results).T if show_indices is not None: if isinstance(show_indices, int): if show_indices < 0: show_indices = np.arange(show_indices, 0) else: show_indices = np.arange(show_indices) elif isinstance(show_indices, Sequence): show_indices = np.array(show_indices, dtype=np.int64) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'{type(show_indices)} is not supported. ' 'Please use type of int or list') eval_show_results = eval_show_results[show_indices, :] eval_show_results = eval_show_results.tolist() for res_line, video_name in zip(eval_show_results, all_video_names_str): res_line.insert(0, video_name) return eval_show_results
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