
Source code for mmtrack.utils.image

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Sequence, Union

import cv2
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

[docs]def crop_image(image, crop_region, crop_size, padding=(0, 0, 0)): """Crop image based on `crop_region` and `crop_size`. Args: image (ndarray): of shape (H, W, 3). crop_region (ndarray): of shape (4, ) in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format. crop_size (int): Crop size. padding (tuple | ndarray): of shape (3, ) denoting the padding values. Returns: ndarray: Cropped image of shape (crop_size, crop_size, 3). """ a = crop_size / (crop_region[2] - crop_region[0]) b = crop_size / (crop_region[3] - crop_region[1]) c = -a * crop_region[0] d = -b * crop_region[1] mapping = np.array([[a, 0, c], [0, b, d]]).astype(np.float32) crop_image = cv2.warpAffine( image, mapping, (crop_size, crop_size), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=padding) return crop_image
[docs]def imrenormalize(img: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray], img_norm_cfg: dict, new_img_norm_cfg: dict) -> Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]: """Re-normalize the image. Args: img (Tensor | ndarray): Input image. If the input is a Tensor, the shape is (1, C, H, W). If the input is a ndarray, the shape is (H, W, C). img_norm_cfg (dict): Original configuration for the normalization. new_img_norm_cfg (dict): New configuration for the normalization. Returns: Tensor | ndarray: Output image with the same type and shape of the input. """ if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): assert img.ndim == 4 and img.shape[0] == 1 new_img = img.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) new_img = _imrenormalize(new_img, img_norm_cfg, new_img_norm_cfg) new_img = new_img.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None] return torch.from_numpy(new_img).to(img) else: return _imrenormalize(img, img_norm_cfg, new_img_norm_cfg)
def _imrenormalize(img: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray], img_norm_cfg: dict, new_img_norm_cfg: dict) -> Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]: """Re-normalize the image.""" img_norm_cfg = img_norm_cfg.copy() new_img_norm_cfg = new_img_norm_cfg.copy() for k, v in img_norm_cfg.items(): if (k == 'mean' or k == 'std') and not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): img_norm_cfg[k] = np.array(v, dtype=img.dtype) # reverse cfg if 'bgr_to_rgb' in img_norm_cfg: img_norm_cfg['rgb_to_bgr'] = img_norm_cfg['bgr_to_rgb'] img_norm_cfg.pop('bgr_to_rgb') for k, v in new_img_norm_cfg.items(): if (k == 'mean' or k == 'std') and not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): new_img_norm_cfg[k] = np.array(v, dtype=img.dtype) img = mmcv.imdenormalize(img, **img_norm_cfg) img = mmcv.imnormalize(img, **new_img_norm_cfg) return img
[docs]def gauss_blur(image: Tensor, kernel_size: Sequence, sigma: Sequence) -> Tensor: """The gauss blur transform. Args: image (Tensor): of shape (n, c, h, w) kernel_size (Tensor): The argument kernel size for gauss blur. sigma (Sequence): The argument sigma for gauss blur. Returns: Tensor: The blurred image. """ assert len(kernel_size) == len(sigma) == 2 x_coord = [ torch.arange(-size, size + 1, dtype=torch.float32) for size in kernel_size ] filter = [ torch.exp(-(x**2) / (2 * s**2)).to(image.device) for x, s in zip(x_coord, sigma) ] filter[0] = filter[0].view(1, 1, -1, 1) / filter[0].sum() filter[1] = filter[1].view(1, 1, 1, -1) / filter[1].sum() size = image.shape[2:] img_1 = F.conv2d( image.view(-1, 1, size[0], size[1]), filter[0], padding=(kernel_size[0], 0)) img_2 = F.conv2d( img_1, filter[1], padding=(0, kernel_size[1])).view(1, -1, size[0], size[1]) return img_2
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